Latest information on BPL (Broadband over Power Lines) from around the World.
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PLC Disturbances (December 2005)

Relating to document COCOM-05-50, Austria is pleased to present the following report about disturbances caused by power line communications in the HF bands (2000 - 30000 kHz).

In Austria, broadband services via PLC are being provided in one region (approx. 250,000 inhabitants). Since the first trials of this technology in this region, which commenced in 2001, the radio amateurs, and various public safety organizations using radio services in the HF band in this region, periodically reported disturbances in the frequency bands below 30 MHz, which were, according to the opinion of the spectrum users, caused by PLC operation in the concerned region.

In order to verify the complaints of the various spectrum users, the competent Austrian authority (i. e. the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Telecommunications Authority) investigated the reported disturbances.

 The measurements carried out in May 2004, April 2005 and November 2005 clearly showed that the cause of the disturbance reported by users of the HF band in the concerned region is the operation of PLC. In particular, the measurement proved that the emission of PLC installations is up to 16000 times (42 dB) higher than the relevant limit (according to CEPT ECC/REC/(05)04).Details of the measurement results are available in the annex to this document.

In addition the report states that mercury vapour lamps, such as those used in street
lighting, were found to produce strong emissions up to 3GHz when induced with the BPL signal. This effect was detected quite recently and is still under investigation. It is supposed that the plasma of mercury vapour, being an element with a non-linear characteristic, generated harmonics of the BPL signal and spreads it over a very wide bandwidth with rather high field strength.

More info (In German) at this site

Austria confirms BPL/PLC interference (68 Kb pdf)

Austria pulls plug on BPL trial!

Austrian BPL/PLC Page

Austria's Broadband over Powerlines causes numerous radio disturbances!

Austrian company gets award for BPL cover-up!

Austrian BPL company gets "People's Choice" award!

BPL/PLC can continue to operate in Linz! (In German)

Fines to be leveled against the PLC company in Linz Austria (In German)

Linz Austria BPL News (In German)

Linz Austria BPL News (In German)

Oe3mzc Powerline Page-BPL Audio & Video clips!


Homeplug BPL wipes out frequencies up to 130 Mhz


Brazilian BPL Links (Most in Portuguese (As supplied by Flávio PY2ZX))

More sad news from Brazil 26 August 2009

ANEEL (Electric Power Agency) has approved today the BPL proposal previously accepted by ANATEL (Telecom Agency). Now the regulatory framework is build for practical wide implementation.

BPL for Brazil

BPL Internet Tutorial in Portuguese (PLC BPL Uma Tecnologia Poluidora)

Implications of BPL and RFI (1.6 Meg pdf) (In Portuguese)

Recordings of BPL/PLC interference (In Portuguese)


BPL coming to Canada!

Canada's BPL testing begins in new trial!

Canadian Broadcaster item on BPL!

Canada's National Amateur Radio Society (RAC) and BPL!

Canada's National Amateur Radio Society (RAC) BPL Page!

CBC Ottawa - Company wants to electrify high-speed internet!

Trial begins in Vancouver, British Columbia!!


BPL causes interference says Chilean Government report (340 Kb pdf in Spanish)


Ecuador considers BPL

Empresa Electrica Quito chooses Corinex Broadband Over Powerline Technology


Egypt to build BPL Smart Village in Cairo

BPL to rise like the phoenix in Egypt

Just when commentators had written off Broadband over Powerlines (BPL) comes news that Egypt-based SABA Electric is getting into the act.

It has formed a partnership with ISP LINKdotNET and has plans for easy access to the internet through BPL.

In a media statement SABA Electric said BPL is the technology it will use to provide to provide broadband data speed up to 8 Mbps that include a number of Voice over Internet Protocol and video options.

On complete build out the network could reach over 300,000 residents.

(Information via WIANEWS 4 June 2010 and Jim Linton VK3PC)


BPL: A European Perspective!

EDXC Power Line Communications Report

Europe approves new Powerline Communications specifications

European Law a possible king hit for BPL

Europe looks to BPL

European Union BPL/PLC Library

European Union BPL/PLC Research

EU sets BPL Guidelines:- Believes it could bridge digital divide

EU BPL/PLC Standard Questioned

Europe urged to push ahead BPL!

NATO report suggests interference from BPL/PLC on HF (Shortwave) Radio is likely (9 Meg pdf)

PLC/BPL: Potential Threats to Radio Services! (527 Kb pdf)

Powerline BPL/PLC information from Europe

Scepticism about EU powerline moves!


French Radio Hams fight BPL/PLC!


ADDX BPL Information and Sound Files

BPL sound files from DARC, Germany! (MP3 files)

BPL testing from Germany (758 Kb pdf)

German Ham discusses BPL and ITU regulations

Power company in Mannheim, Germany, appears to be loosing the BPL battle!!

The DARC (the German version of the ARRL) reports that the power company in Mannheim, Germany, appears to be loosing the battle in the German court system (VGH Baden-Würtemberg, 7.2.2006, Az: 1 S 787/05).

The situation in Austria seems to be similar, i.e. in Europe two Main Net PLC networks are in legal trouble due to the interference they are causing.

vy 73 de toby

DD5FZ (ex dj7mgq, dg5mgq, dd5fz)


Ghananian Broadband over Power lines test


BPL to be installed in Indian buildings

Wired for Broadband


Indonesia gets BPL


Irish BPL Trial report 2006 (1925 Kb pdf)


Italy to begin BPL/PLC


BPL Interference goes as high as 400 Mhz (670 Kb pdf)

JARL: New Developments (May 2004) with PLC in Japan

Panasonic's BPL Push

Playing catch-up on BPL says Telecom Asia!!

"Preserve Spectrum" Anti PLC/BPL page by Cosy Muto!


Korea considers BPL!


PC Magazine (Middle East Edition) BPL Article


National Business Review talks up BPL!



BPL to be installed at offices in Pakistan


BPL doubt in the Philippines


Information from Carlo CT4RK, Sines, Portugal.

From 31 October 2006, the only company that explores a BPL system in Portugal, will shutdown all BPL services, due the loss of customers that have gone back to cable and ADSL systems, and also because the ADSL & Cable are a much better and efficient way to deliver broadband services.

BPL from ONITELECOM (called ONI220) have only 500 subscribers, and a bad quality service. ONI220 will continue to deliver broadband access to the Internet, but with ADSL technology.

I`m happy to inform you, that by now, Portugal is a BPL free country, and I don't see any other operator with interest in BPL, in the next times. All telecom portuguese operators are established in the broadband area, but by ADSL, CABLE, WIRELESS, WI-FI, OPTICAL FIBER, but not in BPL.

Interference (QRM) made by CORINEX A200 PLC homeplug device, February 2010 (Youtube).


Russia falls for the BPL trap!!


From WIANEWS 19 October 2008 Edition via SARL

Two South African ham radio political leaders have testified in opposition to the introduction of Broadband over Powerline or BPL Internet access in that nation.

ZS6AKV, and ZS6BUU, have made presentations at the South African telecommunications regulator's BPL Hearing.

ZS6AKV presented the South African Radio League's objection to the current draft regulations and ZS6BUU showed how BPL could potentially interfere with the nations emergency communication.

Telecommunications regulator ICASA said that by law it is tasked to protect licensed radio services against interference. It also admitted that it is BPL operators that cause interference. A final decision on the South African BPL rules is due out in a few months.

Interference confirmed at "Rooiwal" Township, South Africa!

PLT/PLC/BPL is not an acceptable system while interference to HF is potentially High - SARL

Power Line Communications: Threat to Amateur (Ham) Radio and Other HF services!

South African ISP adopts Encryptonite OneT System for "Smart Grid" IPTV

Gridlock in Cyberspace

Spanish BPL/PLC audio clips

Sweden acts on BPL/PLT equipment

Trinidad and Tobago may go with BPL


BBC: BPL Technical Report!

BBC World gets stuck into BPL Hype!

Broadband crosses Power Lines (IT Week)

Company wants to install Marine BPL/PLC on ships

Confirmed: BPL is bonkers (Crazy) - Ofcom Watch!!

Documents show CAA fears over powerline networks: The Register

EMC Information Centre (UK)

EMC Journal (Major Article on PLC/BPL interference) (3.4 Mb pdf)

GCHQ spying threat from broadband networks - Telegraph

Interference from PLT/BPL says BBC report (1971 Kb pdf)

Irish BPL/PLC trials

Liverpool To Trial 200 Mbps Powerline Broadband | eWEEK Europe UK

OFCOM (UK) reports say BPL/PLC/PLT is too noisy!

Plug into Broadband (The Independent)

Power line tech could crash aircraft and shut down the Archers: The Register


RSGB BPL/PLC information

RSGB criticizes PLT/BPL growth (page links to pdf file)

RSGB goes to law over PLA dispute with Ofcom!!

UKQRM - Fighting for Short Wave Radio

UK Regulator's Study Points Up Limitations of Amperion-Equipped BPL Trial

UK regulator talks frankly about BPL

Visiongain Intelligence: BPL set to electrify the Internet access market!

Why PLT/BPL is bad for EMC (Interference) (252 Kb pdf)


Amateur (Ham) Radio and ATT U-Verse IPTV-Internet-Phone Problems

Americas Network: Analysis of Powerline Broadband

Amperion High Voltage BPL tests

AMSAT comments on BPL

Another BPL Trial Dropped: Not the "Great Broadband Hope" after all

ARINC HF Aviation Radio Service interference from BPL! (2.7 Mb pdf)

Arizona: BPL and the Fight by the VVARA

ARRL (Lot's of BPL news and links here!)

ARRL Alleges Misrepresentation by BPL Operator, Slams Lack of FCC Action!

ARRL: Amateur Refutes FCC's Clean Bill of Health for North Carolina BPL!

ARRL: Article on recent FEMA submission to FCC!

ARRL: AT&T, Pacific Gas and Electric Dissolve BPL Partnership

ARRL: Better BPL?

ARRL: BPL Call to Arms!!!

ARRL: BPL Inherently Flawed, League CEO Tells Broadband Alternatives Conference

ARRL: BPL reconsideration petitions filed!

ARRL: Broadband over Power Line video available on-line!

ARRL, Broadcast Groups Rail Against BPL Policy

ARRL: Conference Provides BPL Industry's Perspective

ARRL: Disappointment over BPL "Report and Order"

ARRL Documents Flaws in Manassas BPL Interference Report

ARRL: Editorial on BPL February 2004

ARRL: Editorial on BPL July 2004

ARRL: FCC Admonishes Ambient over BPL Issues

ARRL: FCC Failing to Address New York BPL Complaints!

ARRL: Goes to Bat for Arizona Amateurs!

ARRL goes to court over BPL!

ARRL: It seems to us editorial: FCC's BPL Decision (December 2004)

ARRL: It seems to us editorial: Harmful Interference (August 2004)

ARRL: League Views BPL Manufacturer's Interference Abatement Efforts with Interest

ARRL: New York BPL Trial should shut down!

ARRL: North Carolina BPL trial ceases!

ARRL: North Carolina Utility De-commissions BPL Field Trial!

ARRL: North Carolina Utility Draws Line in the Sand on BPL Qrm!

ARRL Plans Federal Court Appeal of Certain BPL Rules

ARRL: Publicly Funded BPL says all OK! Interference Continues!!!

ARRL: Renews Interference Complaint Against Ambient Corporation BPL Installation

ARRL: Response to FCC's proposal on BPL! (197 Kb pdf)

ARRL: R & O stresses Avoidance, Resolution of Harmful Interference!

ARRL: Tells FCC to Reconsider, Rescind and Restudy BPL Order!!

ARRL: To dampen California Utility Commissioner's Enthusiasm for BPL!

ARRL: Video and Audio BPL interference samples

ARRL: What's Really Happening in Penn Yan!

Boeing comments to FCC on BPL (623 Kb pdf)

BPL Advocates Working To Plug Into Hill!

BPL: Beyond the Interference!

BPL coming to Scottsdale, Arizona

BPL does interfere!!!!

BPL doubts remain!!

BPL Exchange

BPL: Frequently Asked Questions by K3NG

BPL gives short shrift to Short Wave

BPL Great Broadband Hope: Powell visits North Carolina BPL trial!

BPL here to stay!

BPL Industry denies any threat of Interference!

BPL Info Central (CQ Magazine)

BPL info from around the world

BPL: LecStar uses Power Lines for VoIP trial!

BPL: Mythological, deliberately misstated, and majorly overhyped!!

BPL not a threat - For Now! (Wireless Week)

BPL Orders Exceed FCC's Jurisdiction and Authority, League Court Filing Says

BPL Primer

BPL: Riding the sine wave, broadband rides with an unlikely carrier

BPL System (Manassas, USA) Still Interfering Despite Claims to the Contrary!

BPL: The Better Broadband!

BPL: The Real Facts Explained!

BPL set for Growth!

BPL unlikely to be serious threat to other broadband services

BPL vs Hams: The debate continues!

BPL's Pandora Box

Broadband (BPL) Access Poses Problems

Broadband Horizons tests BPL in Texas

Broadband over Power Lines: Ready or Not!

Broadband over power line vendor rolls out!

Broadband over Power Line World

Broadband over Power Lines (BPL) to light up utilities

Broadband provider drops BPL in New York trial community

Broadband: The Buzz over BPL!

California eyes BPL!!!

Californian Government has concerns on BPL (80 Kb pdf)

CenterPoint, Houston Texas pulls out of BPL

Cincinnati Plugs In: Cinergy to offer powerline broadband!

Cinergy markets BPL to rural areas in USA

Churchville residents will have broadband services over powerlines!

Community Broadband

Concerned Citizens group challenges BPL ruling!

Conformity Magazine: Broadband over Powerlines Alternative or Trouble?

"Conformity" reviews FCC Report & Order 04-245 on BPL

Congressman, ARRL Appeal to FCC to Accommodate BPL Interference Concerns

Cottonwood, Arizona USA BPL trial shuts down for good!

CQ Magazine comments to FCC about BPL! (125 Kb pdf)

Crossed Signals: Tampa Tribune USA

Cinergy wired for BPL expansion in Cincinnati!

Dallas, Texas USA to get BPL

Disaster Emergency Association responds to FCC on BPL (51 Kb pdf)

Downside to Powerline Broadband

EEI: Broadband Over Powerlines

Earth-link says BPL should not be held hostage by HF users!!

Eham: North Carolina Utility De-commissioning BPL Field Trial

FCC's Abernathy acknowledges Amateur Radio BPL concerns

FCC Directs Manassas BPL System to Act Following Ham's Interference Complaint

FCC approves BPL for deployment in USA!!!!

FCC avoids tough questions in Broadband Power Line - Xchangemag

FCC dealt setback in broadband over power lines push

FCC directs Manassas BPL System to Resolve Amateurs' Interference Complaints

FCC moves ahead with power-line broadband rules - Computerworld

FCC & NTIA agree on BPL (Satire, but chart is correct) (400 Kb jpg)

FCC releases unredacted BPL Case Studies after ARRL FOIA Request

FCC responds to ARRL's BPL Brief

FCC set to End Our Right to Listen to Foreign Broadcasts

FCC so far has ignored BPL/PLC Court ruling!

FCC Staffer says Uncertainty, Technical and Financial Viability Issues Confront BPL!!!

FCC Tries To Jolt Life into Power Line Broadband!! (Technews)

Feds as Cheerleaders for BPL

FEMA comments on Slashdot Org

FEMA says BPL is a problem!

Fighting BPL (Powerpoint Presentation), PA, USA

Flawed BPL is no broadband panacea!! After Years In The Dark, Utilities See The Light

Forgotten SW Bands and BPL

Go BPL (Resource against BPL/PLC in USA)

Hams display interference from BPL!! (Potomac News)

Ham operators dread power line Web access - The Cincinnati Enquirer

Ham Radio users oppose BPL

Ham's, Swl's and CBer's should fight against BPL!

HF users should share spectrum with BPL!!

High-speed internet may be in your power! - Denver Post


Honolulu now has BPL: (Honolulu Star)

House Committee Okays Telecoms Bill with BPL-Interference Study Amendment

IBM bringing Broadband over Power Lines to Rural America

IEEE gives nod to new BPL standard

IEEE to Form Balloting Group on BPL EMC Standard

Infoworld: Questions over BPL!

Irving, Texas BPL Information and Sound Samples (Wav format)

Is broadband set to make Power Lines sing!: Cnet News

ISO/IEC says RFID tags will be affected by BPL (4.76 Mb pdf)

Kohl Group view on BPL Interference

KN4AQ submission to FCC on BPL (595 Kb pdf)

Manassas Radio Amateur Takes Issue with BPL Interference Testing

Manassas, Virginia Hams Continue BPL Fight!

Manassas, Virginia BPL Noise Survey with wav files!!

Maryland ends BPL pilot

Measuring the cost of Broadband Services

Media Desk: Broadband over Power Lines

Menlo Park BPL test by ATT

Monitoring Times: June 2004 Editorial on BPL! (Used with Permission)

More BPL comments from USA Hams (125 Kb pdf)

More BPL info

More BPL research info from UTC

More Broadband over Power Lines sounds (Mp3 format)

Money Rules! Approval of BPL rollout by the FCC in the USA!

Motorola BPL Technology looks encouraging!

Motorola Suspends Powerline LV BPL Development!!! - ARRL Web

NASWA: BPL is the next threat to Short Wave Listening!

Network World: Broadband stimulus: Where do fibre, wire options fit?

New Outlet for Broadband - Wired.Com

New Outlet for High Speed Access - Wired.Com

NIST Lays Out Specification to Turn Power Grid to Network Grid

North Carolina Hams ask Powell on BPL!

Northern Texas BPL Information Page

National Public Safety Telecommunications Council fears BPL (244 Kb pdf)

NTIA Broadband Over Powerline Report

NTIA proposes exclusion zones for BPL (665 Kb pdf)

Palo Alto Amateur Radio Association BPL Page

PCWorld - BPL Gains Steam

Pennsylvania Lehigh Valley BPL Pilot Scrapped


PLCA: Power Line Communications Association

PLCA: In this Power Play, High-Wire Act Riles Ham Radio Fans

PLCA submission to FCC on BPL (58 Kb pdf)

PLCA submission to FCC on BPL (632 Kb pdf)

Politics of BPL (Commentary)

Popular Communications: Editorial January 2004 on BPL! (used with permission)

Popular Communications: Editorial June 2004 on BPL! (28 Kb pdf) (used with permission)

Power Lines could blow away DSL!!

Power Lines tested for BPL (Palm Beach News)

PPL Corp Pennsylvania BPL Pilot Scrapped!

Princeton Illinois BPL

Princeton, Illinois defends broadband choice

Public Safety Organisation comments on FCC's BPL proposal (88 Kb pdf)

Qrz.Com: BPL explained simply!

Radio Hobbyists on the warpath!

Radio operators OK rules on Net over power lines (CNET)

RIP Broadband over Powerlines

Rochester Hams unite against BPL!

RWonline: Antenna Group Seeks Protection From BPL!

San Diego Power may use BPL for "By-the-hour" meters!

Seti League and BPL!

Society of Broadcast Engineers comments on BPL/PLC (363 Kb pdf)

Stayskal BPL Cartoon

Submission links to FCC on NOI BPL proposal

Submission links to FCC on NPRM BPL proposal

Test and Measurement World Editorial on BPL!

Texas BPL shuts down!

Texas getting BPL!

Tongia Study on PLC/BPL (300 Kb pdf) (Link 1)

Tongia Study on PLC/BPL (300 Kb pdf) (Link 2)

Two Thousand and Eight (2008) The year BPL (Broadband over Powerlines) died!

USA BPL audio sample with Narration (3.3 Meg Mp3 Format)

USA BPL Provider IBEC Announces Shutdown

US Government Agency FEMA comments on BPL! (Pdf)

US Regulators promise "light touch" on BPL!

UTC BPL White Paper: August 2004 (271 KB pdf)

Utility.Net claims new BPL technology can now "notch" out vital HF radio frequencies!

Victory at Last: BPL in Cedar Rapids closes downs!!!

Virginia BPL Interference Complaints an Illusion of Resolution, ARRL Says!

Want Cheap & Fast Porn, Warez, Spam & Illegal Music: BPL all the way USA!

Why are we giving BPL all this coverage?

Wireless Networking Investment Boom under way with help from BPL

ZDNet AnchorDesk: Why broadband over power lines is a bad idea!

ZDNet: Broadband powerline service gains backers!


D-Link's new Powerline AV Combo Router, merges powerline 200Mbps technology

DRM chief says it may be swamped by BPL interference!!

DRM Press Release on World-Wide BPL Interference (30 Kb pdf)

Homeplug lobbies IEEE to accept new specifications

How Stuff Works: BPL

IEEE and ITU-R work on BPL issues

IEEE EMC Society standards development committee withdraws as cosponsor of IEEE BPL EMC Standard

IEEE Publishes Final Broadband-over-Power-Line Standard

Internet "Noise" threatens Emergency Radio!! - New Scientist

ITU and FCC Radio Regulations (Re: HF (Shortwave) Broadcasting)

ITU has concerns about PLT/BPL

RFID Tags will be affected by BPL says AIM!

Secrets that the BPL/PLC industry don't want you to know!

Shortwave Broadcasters should do more to fight BPL! - Andy Sennitt

Smart Grid Official Reference Page

Transmission Smart Grid: Does BPL finally have a Home?

UN Organisation official speaks out against BPL!

Whatever happened to Broadband over Power Lines? - E & T Magazine

YouTube - PLC BPL HomePlug interference to HF (Shortwave) Radio Part 1

YouTube - PLC BPL HomePlug interference to HF (Shortwave) Radio Part 2

YouTube - PLC BPL HomePlug interference to HF (Shortwave) Radio Part 3

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