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From WIANEWS 4 June 2010 Edition via (Phil Wait VK2ASD)

BPL and Standards Activities

Wide-area Access-BPL appears to have all but vanished from the Australian telecommunications landscape. Also, Smart Metering trials in Australia appear to have bypassed Access-BPL in favour of other technologies.

However, my guess is that in-house BPL is likely to become a major issue in Australia.

Now, in-house BPL modems are being supplied by a number of retailers and in-house BPL may possibly find application as part of the mix for in-home distribution of entertainment services supplied via the NBN.

For instance, in the UK more than 1 million pairs of in-home BPL modems have been installed by British Telecom, with large numbers of interference complaints to their regulator, OFCOM.

The WIA continues to be a very active participant in Standards Australia.
The international CISPR BPL working group, in which Standards Australia has been an active participant, has not been able to reach consensus within the time allowed. So its work has now ceased.
This is not good news, because without a CISPR standard BPL manufacturers are likely to adopt other industry developed standards which are likely to be less favourable to amateur radio.

I would again like to thank the WIA's BPL working group members, Justin Giles-Clark , Fred Johnston, Keith Malcolm, Gilbert Hughes, David Wardlaw, Barry White, and Peter Young, for their efforts over the last, thankfully quieter, year.

From WIANEWS 4 May 2008 Edition via (Ben, VK7BEN)

VK7 Electricity Regulator Rules BPL Breach

Tasmania's electricity provider, Aurora Energy, has been found to have breached the state's Electricity Code.

The breach relates to high levels of electromagnetic interference (EMI) from powerlines being used for a broadband trial in the Hobart suburb of Mount Nelson.

The electricity regulator, Andrew Reeves, has upheld a resident's complaint relating to the EMI levels recorded by the ACMA in January 2007.

However, Mr Reeves will not take any action against Aurora because the broadband trial ended five months ago.

Aurora Energy to drop BPL/PLC in Tasmania. (VK7)

Info via the SPECTRUM mailing list and Justin, VK7TW.

Tuesday, 27 November 2007


Aurora Energy has announced a significant shift in its telecommunications business, to build on major successes in optical fibre activities which are delivering high speed communications around the State.

As a result of increasing competition and the rapidly changing national policy position for retail telecommunications, Aurora is to divest its involvement with the local retailer TasTel and conclude its Broadband over Powerlines initiative.

Aurora is working closely with its TasTel partner AAPT on the transitional arrangements, and negotiations are under way with parties interested in securing Aurora's majority TasTel shareholding.

The changes were announced today by Aurora's Chief Executive Officer, Dr Peter Davis, following comprehensive review of the company's broad suite of communications activities over the past six months.

"The review has taken place against a background of the cost pressures and service demands for Aurora's electricity business, resulting in a re-focusing of our telecommunications activities in areas of strong advantage.

"It is essential that Aurora concentrates efforts on areas in which it is able to deliver the best service and commercial outcomes for Tasmanians - electricity distribution and retailing, and carefully selected telecommunications activities," Dr Davis said.

As a result of the decisions: Aurora Energy will sell its shareholding in TasTel Aurora's Broadband over Powerlines project, which has been undergoing technical and commercial evaluation trials since 2004, will not proceed further.

Dr Davis said that in both cases it had become evident that the rapid pace of change in telecommunications and the extremely narrow margins in the telephony reseller sector made it commercially prudent for Aurora to withdraw.

"Aurora continually re-evaluates its strategies in view of changes in policy, technology and the market, and as a result of this review of telecommunications activity we are re-focusing activities to reflect current and emerging developments.

"The optic fibre based strategy on which we are now concentrating draws on Aurora's extensive infrastructure needed to support electricity distribution services.

"Incremental capacity is being made available to Government and commercial users, including the Tasmanian Research and Education Network (TREN) and support for the Government's fibre-to-the-premises broadband project TasCOLT.

"Aurora focus on these activities will be strengthened as a result of the decisions announced today," Dr Davis said.

The research and education optical fibre network has linked key institutions including the University of Tasmania, CSIRO, Antarctic Division, the Menzies and Ann O'Byrne centres, and a number of schools and colleges. TasCOLT now supplies internet, video on demand and VOIP services to approximately 200 users in New Town and South Hobart, and is being extended to Devonport.

Dr Davis said that against this background and after careful commercial assessment, Aurora's board and management had determined that the broadband-over-powerlines (BPL) trial should be concluded.

"Although technically successful, the changed commercial environment and the Federal Government Broadband Connect Program preclude the investment required for any extension," he said.

TasTel will be individually contacting BPL trial participants and assisting them with transfer to other service arrangements.

Offical Aurora Statment is available here

Are you ready for BPL in your Neighbourhood!!!

From BPLandHamradio Yahoo groups 11 November 2007.

Justin, VK7TW has just released a new video on YouTube of his experiences of BPL enablement in his street in South Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.

Titled "Are you ready for BPL in your Neighbourhood" and demonstrates the levels you can expect if BPL is installed in your area.

There is no notching evident at this stage.

This video accompanies the popular North Hobart and Mt Nelson Virtual BPL tours!

The web addresses can be found at:

73, Justin, VK7TW

International CISPR BPL working group meeting in Sydney


From WIANEWS 30 September 2007 Edition

BPL NEWS - with VK2DKN Phil Waite

In last week's broadcast I mentioned that the WIA was attending the international CISPR BPL working group meeting in Sydney.

The aim of this Working Group is to set measuring methods and propose emission limits in order to protect established radio services in the frequency band 1.6 to 30 MHz from interference from BPL.

The meeting was attended by about 40 people with several representatives from countries such as France, Germany, UK, USA and Australia. The WIA attended as an observer.

At the last Working Group meeting in Geneva (which Australia did not attend) those present agreed to submit a draft proposal to change the test method for measuring conducted emission from BPL modems.

The Australian group presented three papers to this latest meeting in Sydney which suggest that, without modification, the proposed change would relax the emission limits for BPL modems by at least 20dB.

Following spirited technical discussion a sub-group of 10 technical experts was formed to investigate the issues and report back to the next CISPR BPL Working Group meeting in Washington, late January.

CISPR is where the rubber meets the road as far as BPL is concerned, and as CISPR's charter is to protect radio communications services the outcome from the BPL working group will be very interesting. We believe it will be very difficult for CISPR to adopt methods and limits which both allow BPL to operate and also protect HF radio communications services.

ACMA publically releases BPL measurement report!


From WIANEWS 23 September 2007 Edition

BPL NEWS - A Busy Week

Last week the ACMA publically released a BPL measurement report, written in September 2006, in response to a number of interference complaints by Conrad VK7HCK.

Conrad lives in the Mt Nelson BPL trial area in Hobart, and has experienced significant interference to his amateur radio operations for an extended period.

Although this ACMA report is quite old it contains a number of significant statements from the regulator:

"There are very few options available for the complainant to reduce the effects of the interference from BPL."


"This report substantiates the claim made by the complainant that the Aurora BPL system is causing interference and greatly reducing his ability to operate licensed amateur radio equipment."

We expect anyone else who experiences high level BPL interference will experience the same difficulty.

Not to be deterred, Aurora continues to roll out BPL within the South Hobart area using Corinex BPL kit and optic fibre back-haul. Early reports are that there is some notching in place on the amateur bands.

The South Hobart BPL trial is running concurrently with, and in an area close to the TasCOLT fibre-to-the-home (FttH) trial. We very much hope fibre-to-the-home will prove the better proposition.

Phil Wait VK2DKN

BPL meetings have taken place in Sydney, Australia


From WIANEWS 23 September 2007 Edition

Last week the WIA attended BPL subcommittee meetings of the International Electrotechnical Commission (the IEC), hosted by Standards Australia in Sydney.

Standards developed by IEC, those commonly known as the CISPR standards, set the permitted level of radiated emissions (through the air) and conducted emission (through the connecting cables) from electrical and electronic equipment. Those standards are very important for radio amateurs because they are used in National regulation, such as the ACMAs Electro-Magnetic Compatibility regime.

The EMC regime prevents equipment being imported or sold in Australia which exceeds the allowed emission levels, and protects the electromagnetic spectrum we all use against widespread electromagnetic pollution. That includes BPL equipment.

However a proposal has been presented for consideration by CISPR which, by changing the test methods, will effectively increase the permitted emission limits for BPL equipment.

A Standards Australia BPL Working Group report identifying serious deficiencies in the proposed changes, and measurements showing the potential for interference from a typical BPL modem in various residential premises, was presented to the CISPR meeting.

The WIA attended the 3 days of BPL meetings as an observer. If possible, I hope to have more to say about this important meeting in next weeks broadcast.

Phil Wait VK2DKN

VK1OD has prepared notes on his interpretation of the ACMA Mt Nelson report!


From WIANEWS 1 July 2007 Edition

VK7news says Owen Duffy VK1OD has prepared some notes on his interpretation of the ACMA Mt Nelson report that was recently released.

Owen suggests that the background measurement are most likely the reporting instrument's internal noise as they do not match expected ambient noise levels.

The BPL emission levels are up to 55dB above the expected ambient noise levels and even within the notch on the 20m band emissions are 37dB above the expected ambient noise level.

Notch depth is on average about 22dB less on 20m band, 21dB on average in the 17m band and on average about 18dB on the 15m band.

Owen concludes that the measurements taken using Conrad's 20m quad once you take into account the difference in test receiver and amateur receiver bandwidth results in a noise floor degradation in the order of 11.4dB within the 20m notched segment.

It is an interesting read and I encourage everyone interested in BPL to take a look. The notes can be found at the address on the email and internet editions of this broadcast.

Australian Communications and Media Authority releases Mt Nelson BPL report

Via the "BPLandHamradio" Yahoo group 2 June 2007

The Australian Communications and Media Authority released their report from their testing at Mt Nelson, Tasmania, Australia in January 2007.

The report presents the findings using three antennas connected to their test receiver at VK7HCK's QTH - the ACMA's calibrated flat response loop antenna, VK7HCK's 20m quad loop antenna and VK7HCK's 80, 40, 20 & 15m vertical antenna.

Testing was also undertaken outside the notched area and there are clearly higher levels of BPL emissions evident in these measurements. Measurements where also undertaken in Tolmans Hill where the power is underground and levels were nderstandably lower.

In a number of the charts measurements were also included that were taken at Quoin Ridge (ITU Region 3 Monitoring Station - 20km away) for background comparisons.

The ACMA also included the US FCC levels in most charts for reference purposes and make the comment that if the FCC standards were in place then the levels detected in these tests would meet these limits. This raises the question. Is the ACMA seriously considering using the FCC BPL emission levels? If so, then this is a disturbing trend as it is  clear that the FCC levels do not protect amateurs from potentially harmful BPL emissions.

An examination of the notches was also performed and at lower bandwidth (300Hz) it was found that the suppressed carriers from the BPL system were still evident at relatively high levels within the notched area.

The report also raises another disturbing issue in relation to the testing. The standard bandwidth that was used in the testing was 10kHz which is close to the CISPR22 standard of 9kHz. However, a standard amateur transceiver has a nominal bandwidth of around 2.7kHz, which will enable amateurs to detect BPL emissions much more easily than the test receiver which uses the wider bandwidth.

If the standard that the ACMA adopts does not take into account this difference in equipment bandwidth, then the ACMA testing will not be getting a true picture of what amateurs will be experiencing from BPL interference.

The report suggests that the powerline segments either side of the affected amateur should be notched at all applicable amateur bands as this may help reduce the BPL interference that would be detected by the amateur.

The report can be found at:

73, Justin, VK7TW

Jerrabomberra is the latest site for an Australian trial of BPL!

From Owen Duffy via the BPLandHamRadio Yahoo mailing list 10 April 2007.

Jerrabomberra is the latest site for an Australian trial of BPL technology. The area is residential land use, and uses underground power distribution, so the emission characteristics can be expected to be quite different to those previously observed with aerial power distribution.

The report of a preliminary visit to Jerrabomberra is now available at

Second VK7 BPL Virtual Tour Released

Via the "BPLandHamradio" Yahoo group 1 April 2007

The 4 minute virtual tour video of the North Hobart BPL trial area has been released on DVD and streaming video.

This tour is similar to the Mt Nelson tour but has one disturbing difference. The interference that can be seen on the S-Meter and heard in the soundtrack remains for most of the video at S9 and above. This is a disturbing visual and audible representation of the interference potential of the BPL technology deployed in North Hobart.

The video contains commentary about the trial, technology, issues and background information on BPL.

Take a look at

BPL Virtual Tour Released

(Info via the "Spectrum" mailing list 28 March 2007)

The 8 minute virtual tour video of the Mt Nelson BPL trial area has been released on DVD and YouTube streaming video.

This tour shows a visual and audible representation of the interference potential of the BPL technology deployed in the Mt Nelson area. The video contains commentary about the trial, technology, issues and background information on BPL.

There is also a virtual tour of the North Hobart trial area that will soon be released.

Take a look at

(73, Justin, VK7TW)

VK7 BPL Noise Floor Report Released


From WIANEWS 18 March 2007 Edition and
Justin VK7TW


On the morning of 17 February 2007 a lightning strike caused the loss of power in the Mt Nelson area. With power and BPL systems non-operational, background noise level measurements were taken around the QTH of VK7HCK and VK7HK.

Measurements were taken on 20m using Owen VK1OD's
Field Strength Measurement Software.

Comparisons between the previous noise floor measurements taken in January, March and July 2006 and measurements taken with no power and no BPL, show a noise floor that is between 10.9dB (12 times lower) and 12.6dB (18 times) lower than the previous noise floor measurements taken outside the BPL trial area.

The most likely explanation for the lower measured noise floor level is the lack of power in the previously BPL enabled area. This would mean that all mains power devices including BPL equipment would have ceased to operate and therefore ceased to emit any contributory radio frequency noise.

The key conclusion from this report is that the initial impact of BPL emission levels are

The report is available on the
VK7 BPL Watch Page.

ACMA Measures BPL Emissions at Mt Beauty in response to Interference Complaint by Ian Paul, VK3LJJ

Webmasters Comment: Of course nothing mentioned about notching out General Coverage HF
reception, 27 Mhz CB Band or the 30 to 50 Mhz range.

From WIANEWS 27 February 2007 Email via Phil Wait VK2DKN


The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) performed background noise and emission measurements at the Mt Beauty BPL trial in Victoria, over the 20th-21st February 2007. The measurements were in response to an interference complaint lodged with ACMA by Ian Paul VK3LJJ.

Gary Smith - Manager BPL Projects Team Regulation and Compliance Branch, and Colin Payne – Regulation and Compliance Branch Melbourne, represented ACMA. Yoram Apter - Project Manager BPL, represented SP-Ausnet, and WIA Director Phil Wait VK2DKN represented the WIA.

Background noise measurements were performed in various locations around the township of Mt Beauty, following deactivation of the BPL equipment by the service provider SP-Ausnet. BPL emissions and the effectiveness of notching the BPL signal in amateur bands were measured after system re-activation.

As expected high level BPL emission was measured in the trial area. The maximum notch depth measured within amateur bands was about 35dB. Background noise was higher than expected, highlighting the need for a series of noise measurements over many days to accurately determine typical background noise levels at any location.

Observations of BPL emissions received on Ian Paul’s amateur transceiver and G5RV antenna were recorded by Phil Wait. Those observations confirm that, in the vicinity of Ian Paul’s QTH, SP-Ausnet has notched all affected HF amateur bands except for 10 metres. However due to the higher than expected level of background noise on all amateur bands at the time of the observation, notch depth could not be adequately determined.

SP-Ausnet demonstrated new network control software that allows remote notching of frequencies or bands of frequencies, in any segment of their trial BPL network, from an office anywhere. It now appears relatively easy for SP-Ausnet to quickly notch amateur band frequencies in response to an interference complaint from an amateur.

As the maximum notch depth was measured at about 35dB, the WIA is of the opinion that both software and hardware notching will be required to adequately protect amateur radio operation from substantial interference from BPL emission, and that should be the focus of further development by BPL equipment manufacturers.

This measurement event also provided an ideal opportunity to compare real-world data from ACMA’s measuring equipment and the FSM technique developed by Owen Duffy VK1OD and Ed Hare W1RFI. We were able to demonstrate close agreement between the two measurement systems, thus confirming our confidence in the FSM measuring technique and our own FSM measurement Jump-kit.

The WIA has now attended ACMA measurement events at Mt Nelson (TAS) and Mt Beauty (VIC) BPL trials. It is apparent that all stakeholders involved in BPL trials are now taking interference complaints from radio amateurs very seriously, and are making changes to their BPL technology and systems to improve the outcome for radio amateurs.

We would like to thank ACMA for their invitation to attend these measurement events, and for their constructive working relationship with the WIA.

Note : A picture is viewable online at the WIA website

Hobart Tasmania, BPL Interference confirmed!

From WIANEWS 21 January 2007 Edition and Justin VK7TW.


On Thursday 11 January 2007, ACMA undertook another round of measurements at Conrad VK7HCK's QTH. Equipment was specially flown in from Melbourne with Conrad, Phil VK2DKN, Harvey VK7HK, Greg VK7YAD and myself in attendance.

Measurements were taken using a flat-response loop antenna and also using Conrad's quad and vertical antennas so a comparison could be made between the calibrated professional antenna and tuned amateur antennas.

There was definite correlation between what Conrad was reporting using the "S" signal strength scale and what was measured using the test equipment on the same antenna.

ACMA took notch profile measurements which showed up to a 20dB notch depth however this still resulted in about an S3-4 signal level being experienced by Conrad within a notch.

As some background, Conrad put in a complaint of unacceptable levels of interference from BPL emissions in November 2005 and then again in September 2006, and these have been the subject of ongoing investigation by ACMA.

ACMA staff undertook initial measurements at Mt Nelson in November 2005, June and July 2006. ACMA even detected emissions at the Quoin Ridge ITU monitoring station which is 20km away back in November 2005, however that is no longer the case possibly due to the utilisation of wireless technology for the BPL back-haul network.

Following Conrad's complaint of September 2006, ACMA compiled their measurement results into a report which was released at the end of November 2006 and reported signal levels ranging from 34.1 to 64dBuV/m across the HF amateur bands.

This ACMA report substantiates the claims made by Conrad that the Aurora Energy BPL system is causing interference and greatly reducing his ability to operate licensed amateur radio equipment.

It was acknowledged during the measurement day, that Aurora has through notching and wireless backhaul, reduced the level of emissions over the period of the trial.

Conrad has requested further reductions in emission levels including the widening of notching in various bands and notching of the 10m band.

We await with interest the release of measurement results from this round of testing.

Mt Beauty BPL Emission Measurement Report Released

From WIANEWS 17 December 2006 Edition and Phil Wait, VK2DKN.


WIA has performed field strength measurements on the Mt Beauty BPL trial using the WIA's new interference measuring kit.

Measurements were taken outside the home of Ian Paul VK3LJJ, and at other locations in the BPL trial area.

The measurement results show very high levels of RF emission from the BPL enabled power lines, between approximately 33 and 49 dB above the expected ambient noise conditions.

We did some calculations to determine the expected level of interference in S-units using a dipole antenna. We calculated the interference level at between S9+10dB and S9+20dB.

Stations experiencing this level of interference would be prevented from transmitting, as they would be unable to determine if the frequency was in use by another station, as required under the terms of their licence.

The BPL interference we measured will mask all but the very strongest of HF radio communication signals on 40, 30, 20, and 15 meters at various locations within the trial area.

WIA report has been forwarded to ACMA and the Standards Australia working group on BPL. The full measurement report is published on the WIA website at

This is Phil Wait, VK2DKN, for the WIA.

Mt Beauty BPL trial update

From WIANEWS 26 November 2006 Edition and Jim Linton VK3PC


The substantial interference resulting from a trial of Broadband over Power Lines in Mt Beauty in north-east Victoria continues to be experienced by at least two radio operators.

In addition to Ian Paul VK3FIOP now VK3LJJ, a CB radio operator is plagued with the interference. He too has so far been unable to get the BPL operator SP Ausnet to solve the problem.

The CBer wants to become a radio amateur and shares Ian VK3LJJ's disappointment at the loss of HF radio communications.

The evidence is stacking up against this BPL trial. The latest is an observations report by a former ACMA BPL Project Team Manager, Peter Young, who reports interference on five amateur bands, 27MHz CB band and the adjacent Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band.

He found that the BPL emissions, in addition to amateur radio and CB radio, create a potential for severe interference to medical alert alarm devices, some remote control devices such as door openers, cordless telephones and radio controlled model aircraft.

Meantime, Ian VK3LJJ is continuing to deal with SP Ausnet and the ACMA, with help from the WIA and Amateur Radio Victoria. He also, through this broadcast, sends a sincere "Thank You" to those who have let him know they support him.

To send a note of support, Ian can be contacted on email vk3ljjatamateurradiodotcomdotau

ACMA requested to investigate BPL interference

BPL at the War Front

From WIANEWS 5 November 2006 Edition and Jim Linton VK3PC

The extremely high level of interference experienced by radio amateur Ian Paul VK3FIOP at Mt Beauty in north-east Victoria is now the subject of a written complaint to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).

He has exercised his right as the holder of an apparatus licence to lodge a formal written complaint to ACMA about the interference.

Ian has a firm ground for doing so. The interference was confirmed as BPL, its source known and substantial and harmful impact to this licensed amateur service communications well documented.

The latest is that the BPL system operated by SP AusNet radiates 60dB over S9 signal emissions over the entire 3.5 MHz to 30 MHz spectrum.

Ian VK3FIOP appears to be the first VK radio amateur to actually lodge a formal complaint of interference to ACMA.

The amateur service, being a licensed radiocommunications service, is protected from substantial interference under sections of the Radiocommunications Act.

ACMA is the Authority responsible for administrating the provisions of the Act and is required to investigate cases of interference when they are reported.

Without complaints, BPL operators may be able to claim that the technology is not cited in any formal way to have caused interference to radiocommunications.

It is vitally important that any radio amateur affected by BPL interference first verify that the interference is in fact caused by a BPL system, and secondly lodge an effective interference complaint with ACMA.

Without a valid and effective interference complaint lodged with ACMA little can be done.

The WIA provides a BPL interference advisory service to all radio amateurs - whether they are WIA members or they are non-members.

Check out
click on BPL

Mount Beauty BPL, Victoria under Surveillance!

via the Spectrum Mailing list and Roger Harrison, 27 October 2006.

Amateur Radio Victoria has added a new section to their website, dubbed "BPL Watch VK3".

Details on what's happening with the BPL trial at Mount Beauty have been posted to there.

BPL radiation from the Mt Beauty power lines ". . . was S9 +60dB across the entire HF spectrum from 3.5 MHz to 30 MHz. This is even before the system begins to carry traffic. BPL deployment through the issuing of free modems to households is running at least three weeks behind schedule."

ACMA commissions independent review of government spectrum holdings

18 October 2006

"To help the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) better achieve an appropriate balance between government use of the radiofrequency spectrum and its use by the broader community, ACMA has commissioned SpectrumWise Radiocommunications Consulting to provide an independent review of government spectrum holdings."

"As ACMA faces growing demand for spectrum from both the government and non-government sectors, this is a looming and important challenge for ACMA and requires a preparedness to re-think the status quo and traditional paradigms to continue to optimise the overall public benefit it is charged to deliver".

Webmasters Comment

Why is this non-bpl news item and link here may you ask, well, I do not like the quote "to re-think the status quo and traditional paradigms to continue to optimise the overall public benefit". It sounds like just a another way to make BPL a communications service and any interference to BPL will be outlawed and you will not be allowed to operate a amateur (Ham) transceiver in areas where BPL is present.

And forget about short-wave listening, the noise from BPL will be terrible, they want you to buy a computer and pay over $50 a month for broadband access to listen to overseas broadcasts. What a joke!!!! Money always talks!!!!

Tasmanian BPL trial susceptible to disruption from Legal HF Radio traffic!


From WIANEWS 15 October 2006 Edition

Justin (VK7TW) and his team at REAST have measured the susceptibility of the Aurora Energy BPL service in Hobart to nearby HF radio transmissions. (262 Kb pdf)
The Mt Nelson RF Susceptibility Report, demonstrates a very high degree of disruption from very low power radio transmitters.

In some cases Aurora's client was required to re-enter their username and password and log back into the service.

In fact, less than 5 Watts power output from a mobile station within 60 to 80 metres of an Aurora clients modem adversely affected their BPL service. This represents an effective radiated power (EIRP) of less than 1 Watt due
to the inefficiency of the mobile antenna.

Remember, mobile HF radio equipment normally operates with an output power of 100 watts so severe disruption from an amateur mobile station to a nearby access BPL service is probable.

This degree of susceptibility to electromagnetic interference (EMI), and the apparent inability to deliver quality customer service in the presence of nearby radio transmissions, should be of great concern to BPL equipment
manufacturers, BPL service providers, and their end-user clients.

New BPL Trial Switched On in Mount Beauty, Victoria!

via the Spectrum Mailing list and Roger Harrison, 12 October 2006.

According to news posted on the Wireless Institute of Australia website (11 Oct 2006), a new BPL trial by SP-Ausnet has recently been activated in Mount Beauty, Victoria.

"Internet service provider SP Ausnet is partnering with Schneider Electric, which is providing all hardware components," says the WIA report.

Full story here:

HF Radio is Not Dead despite what the BPL supporters claim!

via the Spectrum Mailing list and Roger Harrison, 18 August 2006.


ASX-listed communications equipment manufacturer,
Codan, revealed this interesting fact in its full year results released, 17 August 2006.

"Demand for HF radio arising from world security concerns remained strong. Sales revenue was less than FY05 but was the second highest annual sales ever achieved."

"Global security concerns were expected to deliver higher sales of HF equipment during the 2007 financial year.", the company said.

Makes you wonder how BPL deployments may impact "global security concerns".

BPL proponents have been pushing the line that demand and use of HF radio is low and declining.

"Didn't you notice the powerful and obnoxious odor of mendacity in this room?", said Big Daddy from Tenessee Williams' play, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.

Get the facts from the
Codan website here:

Select "Corporate", then "Investors" then get the top document (pdf) in the table, titled "Announcement 2005/2006 Full Year Results". Posted in the interests of shedding light in the dark.

BPL Conference Enlightenment

via Amateur Radio Victoria 1 August 2006

A major conference on Broadband over Power Lines (BPL) was held in Sydney on 26-27 July 2006 by the Institute for International Research (IIR), and the technology's interference issues got a good airing.

Further Details at


This page has a link to a 10 Megabyte "Powerpoint" presentation, suitable for clubs or anyone interested in the interference problems with BPL/PLC technology.

Latest Tasmanian BPL measurements confirm interference!

From Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW via the Spectrum Mailing List

27 July 2006

The third round of measurements have just been released from the Tasmanian BPL trial from the Mt Nelson, Tolmans Hill, North Hobart and Mount Stuart trial areas. There is also a new area within the Suburb of West Hobart that we have detected emissions from.

The site also contains a second round of measurements taken in Burnie on the North West coast of Tasmania. These are all available at:

The methodology behind the measurements is one of measuring the background noise outside the trial area and comparing this to the measurements taken within the trial areas using the latest version of Owen Duffy's FSM software (v.1.11).

The conclusion reached in the report in the Hobart trial areas shows that there is continuing to be a degradation of the noise floor in the trial areas. In the un-notched areas this is caused by emission levels ranging from 5dB (3 times higher) to 37dB (5,000 times higher) above the measured ambient noise floor (level). In the notched areas this is caused by emission levels ranging from 9dB (8 times greater) to 14dB (25 times greater) above the measured ambient noise floor (level).

In the Burnie trial the degradation of the noise continues with emission levels ranging from 9dB (8 times higher) and up to 42dB (15,850 times higher) than the measured ambient noise floor.

The nightmare continues.

73, Justin, VK7TW

Comment from a concerned Amateur (Ham) Operator in Tasmania

23 July 2006 (Used with permission from VK7ZYZ)

I like your comment about BPL being a seriously flawed technology. This applies technically, economically, financially as well as environmentally.

I do not understand why Aurora (Tas Tel) is so wedded to it in this state. I can only assume poorly considered and dubious contractual obligations or undertakings or possibly cushy jobs for those involved.

Economically it would be far cheaper, easier and rewarding for power reticulation companies to leverage 11g technology. Costs would be insignificant compared to BPL and performance far better. As their 11g based system is developed costs would plummet and service delivery capacity increase exponentially. Reliance on 3rd party co-providers would also fall.

The key that no one seems to realize is that power reticulation companies already have microwave lines of sight over the last mile and beyond and most probably the last hundreds of miles and beyond. No one else has this apart from possibly road authorities and they don't have all those convenient posts to mount the antennas out of everyone's way. Tree removal would also add to their costs. If Aurora won't play ball then perhaps I could approach local councils?

The use of a combination or passive and active repeaters on existing poles would be an almost insignificant cost. Passive repeater cost of a few dollars would basically amount to the cost of bolting the unit to a pole and using a simple rifle sight.
(Webmasters comment: For aiming of the repeater antenna correctly for strongest signal)

Active repeaters would often double as a trunking node. But in any case we are still talking in the low tens of dollars in commercial volumes for a simple active repeater.

Costs to consumers would be reduced with their modem cost amortised by their local network router.

One downside would be reduced reliability (in our state at least) unless active nodes were fitted with battery backup. Solar might be a viable option despite power being immediately available 9x% of the time.

Why are power companies continuing to flog a dead horse that they are unlikely ever to be allowed to use?

WIA launches helpful BPL advisory and reporting service!

05 June 2006

Wireless Institute of Australia BPL Interference Advisory Service

Latest Tasmanian BPL measurements confirm interference Potential!

From Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW via the Spectrum Mailing List

16 April 2006

BPL threatens marine distress and safety services in Australia!

From Glenn Dunstan VK4DU via the Spectrum Mailing List

9 April 2006

A second round of measurements have just been released from the Tasmanian BPL Trial at Mt Nelson, Tolmans Hill, North Hobart and Mount Stuart areas.

From Justin Giles-Clark 1 April 2006

Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmanian Inc.
VK7 (Tasmanian) BPL Watch

The second round of measurements have just been released from the Tasmanian BPL trial from the Mt Nelson, Tolmans Hill, North Hobart and Mount Stuart trial areas.

The methodology behind the measurements is one of measuring the background noise outside the trial area and comparing this to the measurements taken within the trial areas using Owen Duffy's FSM software.

The conclusion reached in the report shows that there is continuing to be a degradation of the noise floor in the trial areas. In the un-notched areas this is caused by emission levels ranging from 15dB (32 times greater) to 41dB (12,600 times greater) above the measured ambient noise floor (level).

In the notched areas this is caused by emission levels ranging from 5dB (3 times greater) to 15dB (32 times greater) above the measured ambient noise floor (level).

Measurements were also taken at Mt Nelson on 20metres (14MHz) where notching is being used around the amateur radio operators who have complained.

The conclusion reached in this report is that the notching as measured at the street is variable, whilst some parts of the notched spectrum may be 20dB (100 times) or lower in strength, the notch does not reliably achieve better than about 10dB (10 times) reduction.

ACREM (Australian Citizens Radio Emergency Monitors) releases 6 page Press Release on BPL drawbacks!

From Martin Howells, VK2UMJ ACREM-NSW

22 March 2006

Safety Concerns Continue over New Technology ( 57 Kilobyte pdf)

ACMA responds to concerns on BPL tests

19 March 2006

The ACMA has responded to my concerns on BPL testing, here is a copy of my e-mail and below that, a response from the ACMA.

To: Australian Communications and Media Authority
Subject: BPL trial in Adelaide, South Australia


I bring to your attention this article
Silk Telecom slips into powerline broadband

In it, it was mentioned that Adelaide, South Australia has already had a BPL trial. I would like to ask the following questions.

1) Did the ACMA give permission for this test and if so, why was it not mentioned on the ACMA's
"Access BPL Trials" page?

2) If the ACMA was NOT notified of this trial should have it been?

3) Did the ACMA do any testing or measurement of this trial in Adelaide?

4) The Melbourne trial in the above article is also NOT mentioned on the ACMA's "Access BPL Trials" page?

5) Do electricity companies have to notify you of BPL trials or can they test anywhere they like, so long as they don't tell anyone?

Yours sincerely

Stephen Newlyn VK5VKA

The ACMA'S Response

I have contacted SILK Telecom and they inform me that the BPL trial mentioned in the ZDNet article is in fact completed and no trial or BPL testing is currently underway. Rather than answer your numbered questions I thought I should take this opportunity to briefly explain the current arrangements that apply for BPL trials in Australia.

As you are no doubt aware the ACMA is currently examining the need or potential for regulatory action in respect of BPL services. ACMA is doing this in close consultation with both the companies trialling BPL and organisations that are potentially affected by BPL deployments including the amateur community. To that end we have put in place the website with which you are familiar and the trial guidelines for both Access and In-House BPL.

In broad terms, persons conducting trials of BPL equipment where services are supplied to end users are required to seek a 'trial certificate' fromACMA before commencing a trial unless that person holds a carrier licence.

In issuing the trial certificate ACMA make compliance with the relevant guideline a requirement. The applicant is required to ensure that specific details in relation to the trial are included on the ACMA website. Where the person conducting the trial is a telecommunications carrier the guidelines are not mandatory. A carrier conducting a trial is not bound to either include its details on the website or to notify ACMA of the progress of the trial.

There is no requirement or mechanism for the ACMA to 'give permission' for a trial to a telecommunications carrier licence holder. Silk Telecom as a carrier was not required to seek permission from ACMA prior to conducting the trial. An electricity company that was not a carrier that intended to conduct a trial that involved supply of services to end users would need to discuss the trial with ACMA.

Irrespective of whether the person conducting a trial is a carrier or not, all trials are subject to the ACMA regulations and laws concerning radiocommunications interference.

In regard to the mentioned Melbourne trial my understanding from discussions with Silk Telecom is that this trial has not gone ahead and at this stage is unlikely to happen. However following your letter of concern we have taken the opportunity to contact the relevant parties and reinforce the value of the BPL guideline and the necessity for cooperation in the conduct of trials.

Again thankyou for bringing this issue to our attention, I hope this answers your questions.

Gary Smith
BPL Projects Team
Regulation and Compliance Branch
Inputs to Industry Division
Australian Communications and Media Authority

New Important Developments on BPL

From WIANEWS 12 March 2006

After a fairly quiet Christmas there have been a few recent developments on the BPL front:

On the morning of 22 February 2006, ABC Goulburn Murray radio (rural Victoria) ran several segments on how broadband over powerlines (BPL) will bring the Internet to every home.

Aurora Energy extolled BPL's features and benefits, followed by industry analyst Paul Budde, who proceeded to bag radio amateurs and the Wireless Institute of Australia for their opposition to BPL. Budde was clearly antagonised and frustrated by radio amateurs continued opposition to BPL and incredulously claimed RF interference from BPL just isn't an issue anymore.

I was able to respond to Budde's comments on-air and say that is well documented that wherever BPL is installed worldwide it still causes very high levels of radiated emission.


There appears to be a world war brewing over standards for in-house BPL.

Europe's BPL Research Alliance (OPERA) have announced their first global specification for Powerline Communications based largely on technology from Spain's DS2.

However, the US based HomePlug Powerline Alliance is aiming at exactly the same world-standard designation. The standard being proposed by OPERA and the HomePlug specifications are incompatible.

The stage is set for a world war to determine which standard becomes dominant for in-house applications. The HomePlug specification and the OPERA specification are incompatible and each causes interference to the other.

Netgear have decided to go with the DS2 standard. This week NETGEAR announced that they are to offer in-home BPL equipment capable of transmitting high definition in-home video streaming.

We believe a proliferation of these devices in the community could be very damaging for HF radiocommunications. We hope ACMA is watching this development closely.


PC World, reported this week that Canberra telecommunications provider TransACT is to commence a trial of BPL in its own head office in Canberra.

TransACT CIO and general manager Carsten Larsen said the company is looking at delivering the Broadband over Power Lines (BPL) service to office buildings. Larsen said. "The engineering is being drawn up. If we go from here to a connected environment, we can take the lessons from here to a live site".

Should the trial prove successful, TransACT propose a commercial rollout of BPL later this year.

For more information on these BPL stories please visit the WIA website at

And remember if you hear anything on the media concerning BPL, if you can record it, and in any case please let the WIA know.

WIA response to Paul Budde (Utilitel) comments on Radio Amateurs on ABC Regional Radio.

26 February 2006

Budde Bags Radio Amateurs on ABC Regional Radio (Wia Responds)

WIA response from Phil Wait (5533 Kb MP3)

Recent ABC Radio programme on BPL gets interesting!

from Ashley Geelan VK3HAG 22 February 2006

Ashley was listening to ABC Local Radio Goulburn-Murray (Victoria, Australia) and heard some Public Relations spokesperson from both Aurora Energy and communications analyst Mr. Paul Budde of the "Utilitel"consortium (whose members include Aurora Energy, Country Energy, Energy Australia, ETSA & others), which is promoting BPL.

Here is Ashley's recording of the ABC interview in two parts. One with Aurora and the other with Mr. Budde.

Interview with Aurora Energy spokesperson. (364 Kb MP3)

Interview with Paul Budde Utilitel spokesperson. (437 Kb MP3)

Comment from Roger Harrison


It's very disingenuous of Paul Budde to make the claims that he did.

"No interference": BPL, wherever installed anywhere in the world, still causes interference, including Australia. It's documented - in Australia (by ACMA & others), in the UK (by Ofcom) Europe (by ETSI & others), Japan (by MPHPT and others) and USA (by NTIA, FCC and others).

"BPL not banned . . . anywhere in the world": BPL is not permitted (read "banned") in Japan, the UK, and Norway for starters.

Radio amateurs aren't the only objectors to BPL. Many Australian organisations that use HF are concerned about protection against interference from BPL and have raised objections with the ACMA. They include: Air Services Australia, Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Australian Federal Police, Australian National 4WD Radio Network, Codan (HF transceiver manufacturer), Department of Defence, St John Ambulance, Personal Emergency Response Services Association, Optus, Telstra and the Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA).

Worse, Paul Budde - posing as an independent telecoms analyst - *failed* to disclose his conflict of interest: he's behind the "Utilitel" consortium (members include Aurora Energy, Country Energy, Energy Australia, ETSA & others), which is promoting BPL; he earns money from promoting BPL.

Posted in the interests of balanced reporting.

Roger Harrison

Aurora engineer denies there is BPL interference at Burnie, Tasmania


From WIANEWS 25 December 2005 Edition

Tasmania, and we have already had reports from the Burnie area that strong interference has been heard along Malonga Drive and amateurs are keeping a close ear and eye on activities.

Conrad, VK7HCK even invited technical representatives from Aurora Energy in to his home to experience first hand the level of interference he has to put up with.

Conrad demonstrated to the Aurora engineer and technician the interference across the HF amateur bands showing them the S9+ noise level experienced.

To prove it was BPL, Conrad also showed them the spectrogram of the interference using the Spectran which showed the regular carrier pattern across the spectrum being monitored.

What was their reaction, I hear you ask?

Aurora engineer denied that the interference was caused by BPL even after being shown the spectrogram of regular carriers.

Suffice to say, the meeting ended abruptly after this!

The matter was put in the hands of the ACMA and it is understood that a representative from the ACMA took another round of measurements a day after the Aurora meeting.
(via Justin, VK7TW)

Tasmanian BPL has "Substantial Technical Issues!"


From WIANEWS 11 December 2005 Edition

Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania understand that the ACMA has been taking BPL measurements over the past weeks in the Mt Nelson area following the BPL system being switched back on.

Reports are that there are substantial technical issues being experienced with the deployment at Tolmans Hill.

I encourage every amateur and 11m CB operator with mobile/portable equipment to head up to Mt Nelson or North Hobart and take a listen at what BPL sounds like and what it is doing to the HF spectrum. It is currently affecting the upper HF bands and is easily detected from the top of the bends through to Olinda Grove and beyond and Federal Street between Argyle and Letitia Streets.

Sydney BPL November 2005 Conference


From WIANEWS 4 December 2005 Edition


Follows a transcript of interview between WIA Director Phil Wait and WIA News Presenter Graham Kemp

Phil what was the Sydney BPL conference all about?

An opportunity for everyone interested in BPL (for and against) to hear the latest developments, market trends, ACMA's thoughts about interference management, and what the operators have to say about their trials so far.

Why was it important for the WIA to attend?

Graham the WIA is an important stakeholder in the BPL debate and has influence on a number of fronts. ACMA were presenting an update on their views on how to manage interference from BPL systems. We needed to keep abreast of the latest developments that could adversely affect radio amateurs.

What did you learn about the current state of BPL technology?

There was little new information presented which we were not already aware of. Following the recent announcement by Telstra to provide “Fibre to the Home”, BPL is now mostly only seen as a commercially viable solution for fringe area and rural area broadband access.

BPL is now not seen as commercially attractive in large cities where the large telco's will focus their broadband investment.

The marketplace for BPL equipment is also changing. Niche markets are emerging for local area BPL systems in industry, housing estates, retirement villages, hotels, high rise buildings, marinas etc and these markets may emerge as the major BPL application.

What about the trials?

Trials continue in Queanbeyan and Hobart.

Aurora Energy have made some improvements to the emission level of the system in Hobart compared to older technology trials in Queanbeyan and Moruya, but the 10 dB or so improvement falls far short of the 50-60 dB necessary to prevent interference to HF radio communications.Aurora are still working on improving the technology.

Aurora have announced an further trials in Hobart and Bernie, and Country Energy have announced further trials next year in NSW.

What is ACMA currently doing, in general and in relation to the Aurora trial?

ACMA have announced a review of the BPL Trial Guidelines. The review will take into account public comments received to their Discussion Paper, and their experience gained over the past year. The WIA will be working with ACMA in the development of the new guidelines.

The whole ACMA process is likely to take some time before a comprehensive management regime is in place.

Before ACMA can finalise their position on BPL they will need to take emission measurements on the new technology Aurora system in Hobart. They will wait until that BPL technology is stable before taking measurements.

The WIA is also waiting for a stable technical environment before taking measurements.

Phil we have heard reports quite critical of the WIA not attending some BPL conferences, can you tell us what that was about?

The WIA does not wish to enter into debate about what we should and should not do. Over the last couple of years we have attended 3 paid Buddecomm conferences and several industry demonstrations of the technology.

We have met with ACMA representatives and politicians, and visited BPL trial sites.

We are more than willing to co-operate with the BPL industry if that co-operation will result in an improved outcome for our members.

However conferences are not cheap, and we are using members money here, and the WIA will make it's own decisions based on what we see as the benefits.

More BPL Commercial Trials planned for Tasmania


From WIANEWS 20 November 2005 Edition

This week the Australian Communications & Media Authority (ACMA) announced further BPL commercial trials by Aurora energy in Tasmania.

The new areas affected are: Burnie, (Postcode 7320) and Hobart (Postcode 7000).

These trials are in addition to the existing commercial trial at Hobart suburbs, Mount Nelson and Tolmans Hill, (Postcode 7007).

The new trials will involve up to 500 users, and the timeframe stated is 9-12 months.

The frequency band of operation is stated as 3 - 34 MHz, but it remains to be seen what particular frequencies within this range will be activated.

Aurora Energy is using its telecommunication arm, Tastel, to sell and promote the broadband products that will be carried by the BPL technology, including Voice over IP and data services. The success or otherwise of the trial will be judged on the number of subscribers that Tastel can attract.

However, reports are that Aurora may be experiencing a number of technical difficulties with their current trial, especially with the Voice over IP phone service.

Justin Giles-Clarke, VK7TW, Phil Thomson, VK7SS, and myself met with Minister Brian Green MHA, his Advisors, and a representative from Aurora early October to ensure the Minister was aware of the interference issues with BPL. Will Hodgman, the Shadow Minister for infrastructure was also visited and brought up-to-date with our concerns.

In other BPL news, the WIA wrote to ACMA in August expressing our concern that ACMA's own guidelines for Access BPL trials were not being followed by BPL operators. The guidelines are intended to notify licensed radio users of upcoming trials in their area and to provide an interference resolution procedure.

We are still awaiting ACMA's response to that letter.

The WIA is attending a Buddecomm BPL conference next week, along with representatives from the ACMA and BPL proponents, and may hear more about how ACMA intends to manage BPL interference issues.

Australian "Silicon Chip" magazine slams BPL


From WIANEWS 13 November 2005 Edition

Information via Amateur Radio Victoria News November 2005

Australia's electronics magazine Silicon Chip describes broadband over powerlines (BPL) as a flawed technology flying in the face of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) regulations.

The cover story "BPL is coming here …" in its November 2005 edition it has a good look at the spectrum-polluting broadband enabling technology delivered along mains power lines.

The article by staff technical writer, Ross Tester said that the promise of delivering fast broadband without significantly
new (and costly) infrastructure, BPL has been a pipe dream for years.

However, the wires to carry the broadband signals are stretched in the air and make "magnificent antennas radiating
interference" right across the spectrum.

The article said, "Whether by fiendishly clever design or simply dumb good luck (we'll leave you to make up your mind which) BPL has avoided heavy use areas of the spectrum where there could be huge public upcry."

The magazine's Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, Leo Simpson in an editorial said, "Just imagine every street in every major city and town in Australia blanketed with BPL signals ranging from just above the AM broadcast band to just below the FM band.

"This will play merry hell with all radio (and TV) services in that range. In fact, it would mean the end of any useful radio
services in that range."

Mr Simpson posed the question, "So why have trials been authorised, both here and overseas?"

His conclusion is that the relevant energy authorities have lobbied very hard to be able to use their grids for something
else besides just carrying electricity.

"Even so, it is incredible that the trials have even started, let along be permitted in the first place. It makes a huge
mockery of all of the EMC compliance regulations that all electronic equipment must now meet," he said.

"Why have EMC compliance when the power authorities will be able to blast interference out to everyone, completely unfettered by past regulations? It just beggars the imagination."

Mr Simpson concluded: "BPL in its present form is a very bad idea. It might at first appeal to the non-technical populace but when the true ramifications take hold, there will be hell to pay."

Comment on the Australian BPL push from New Zealand

26 September 2005 (Used with permission from Peter Ford ZL2VK)

I have been following with interest the various discussions on BPL for some time with much interest.

I have been a licensed ham for some 45 odd years, having held calls in VK, ZL, C21 et al and have a background as an engineer predominantly in electronics and communications although most of my career has been in the computer industry with a few years of inorganic chemistry to balance it!

Unfortunately there have been many spin doctors touting benefits without looking at the wider pictures. This is probably motivated by that all pervading evil, money. I must agree that there are many benefits in making internet and similar information readily available to the masses but there are problems in the methods of delivery, or more correctly, the carrier methodology.

More recently, I have been exposed to an excellent system here in Wellington, NZ, where the central city is covered in a fibre backbone to almost every commercial building. Clients in each building tap off routers installed in that building and links are available starting at 4MB/s and going through to gigabit! The costs are very low for this grade of service, comparable to ADSL and extremely reliable. The fibre rollout is being extended to major suburban areas and is planned to go much further. I would suspect there is little chance of BPL surviving economically in such a climate.

More to the point of the note, my own personal experience with small signal communications is that I have successfully made good contacts over thousands of kilometres on HF using 1-2 milliwatts into very long (2+ Km) wire antennas. The BPL signals are low level but they are fed to rather large unbalanced line systems thus become radiating antennas. I am sure you have observed the signals radiated! Also there are many "transmitters" and the power / bandwidth figures also become multiplied to the stage where the total signal in a comparatively small section of HF bandwidth as used by a single communication channel becomes even more significant.

The point I raise that I have not seen elsewhere is that as currently, the radiated signals are generated and fall within the HF spectrum, i.e. 1-30 Mhz, this frequency arena is where the longer distance communications occur. So then, one would reasonable expect that the BPL signals may well, under suitable ionospheric conditions, have an effect well away from the immediate BPL generated area, and can affect communications in other countries.

I raise the question as to whether Australia, the ACMA, the BPL operators etc, have acknowledged the fact that they are part of a larger world and must recognise communications users of the HF spectrum in other countries. The situation is somewhat akin to the Indonesian farmers burning off large scale and causing climatic problems within the southern hemisphere.

Without sounding emotional, I really wonder if the backers of BPL are sufficiently well funded against possible lawsuits where BPL HF band interference is responsible for communications failures in a disaster situation of the scale of the recent tsunami or Katrina episodes. I am sure that there are lawyers around in the world who would take it on, after all, other major companies have been brought to their knees.

As an alternative technology, perhaps we should be looking at providing power over the existing telephone lines. I am sure the spin doctors could be convinced of the advantages to be gained there.

Tasmanian Jason Reilly looks at the "BPL" Spin

25 September 2005 (Used with permission from Jason Reilly)

Just to give you an insight into how the trial BPL operator in Tasmania is thinking:

'The Examiner' newspaper, Saturday 17th September, page 22: Mr Peroni said that "Amateur radio users caused pollution as well". Note the more emotive use of the word 'pollution' rather than 'interference'.
Well Mr BPL operator, the difference between your BPL operations and amateur radio operators / radio hobbyists in general is that we take our responsibilities with regard to interference seriously. If interference is drawn to our attention, we stop operations, and attempt to resolve the interference.

On the other hand, BPL operators don't want to take responsibility for the pollution they make. Indeed, it would appear as if they want to seek legal protection to be permitted to cause interference to certain parties, rather than rectify problems ('Stateline' ABC TV Tasmania, Friday 23rd September, comments by Mr Peroni again).

Doing so would set a dangerous legal precedent: to place the interests of commercial ventures ahead of the interests of incumbent minority groups to the point where they are decidedly disadvantaged.

Australian Large Scale PLC/BPL Trial in Hobart, Tasmania!!!

From Justin Giles-Clark, Sunday, 18 September, 2005

As heard on the VK7 Regional News Broadcast this morning the VK7 Aurora trial commenced last week!

It was launched on the 14th & 15th September 2005 with newspaper articles, talk-back radio segments and much promotion of this "technology to get broadband to the masses".

More info from


Channel 7 Today Tonight: Phone calls on your power lines

From 15 September 2005 Broadcast

A power company has begun offering discount telephone calls and broadband Internet access using electrical wires to carry the signal.

ABC Radio National discusses Broadband Power (BPL)

From 14 September 2005 Broadcast

Tasmania today becomes one of only three places in the world - and the first in the southern hemisphere - to trial a revolutionary new way to deliver broadband computer connections.

Tasmania's power company Aurora, telecommunications company Tastel and Japan's Mitsubishi Electric have teamed up to deliver broadband connection via powerlines.

The system promises faster, cheaper connection - and great advances in electricity system management.

To find out more Fran spoke to Aurora Energy's business development manager, Piero Peroni.

Real Audio player required!

Western Australian Hams fight BPL propaganda!


From WIANEWS 4 September 2005 Edition

Here in VK6, we have proved the usefulness of WIA News. This news service has been pushing the warnings on BPL for some time, and on Tuesday the 30th of August 2005, on ABC 720 AM (6WF in old speak) it was announced that the subject of BPL would be discussed. A quick and impromptu telephone tree alerted many. Those who could, listened in, and tried to callback to the talkfest after. The talk was by an American who works for a company which peddles the equipment. Strongly favourable of course.

However good air time was given to Geoff VK6NX who managed to get some words of wisdom on the callbacks, and at least two items of e-mail were addressed to the presenter of the program. A sound file was captured, and whilst we cannot play that over air - for legal reasons - we can keep it for posterity. We do wonder if the presenter was even aware of the submission the ABC made to the BPL discussions....

BPL kills HF Operators hobby in Tasmania, Australia


From WIANEWS 28 August 2005 Edition

Today we speak with Conrad Kley VK7HCK probably the first VK Amateur directly dis-advantaged by a BPL system in his area.

Main points from the audio interview are:

Has been living in the Mount Nelson area for a few years.

An active amateur and has been a very keen HF Listener.

Noise levels were previously quite low in the area. Since access BPL switched on noise levels are now +40 over 9 on 80 and over S9 on 40/20/15.

VK7HCK can now no longer operate on HF and has effectively been put out of business in HF amateur radio.

Has made an interference complaint to the ACMA through the ACMA website andthe local Hobart office. Also made a complaint to Aurora Energy.

Made the complaint himself as soon as BPL switched on without any contact with WIA. The WIA has since offered to assist Conrad in his efforts.

Conrad is also involved in a local community FM radio station ......and has been on the receiving end of interference complaints??????....says that if he causes interference to others he is quickly shut down but....with BPL interference caused to him, no action seems to be taken against the interferer.

Summary of BPL Submissions

From WIA News 14 August 2005 via Phil Wait (VK2DKN) WIA Director.

The ACMA have published 275 submissions to their BPL Discussion Paper, with the majority showing a high level of concern regarding BPL interference and its management.

There are some very big names amongst the list in addition to the 222 submissions from radio amateurs.

Air Services Australia, The ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), and Defence, are concerned about the interference potential to their radio communications services.

Optus recommend a "cautious approach", and are concerned over potential interference to their cable services.

Likewise, Telstra expresses serious concerns about interference to their Broadband cable, ADSL, ADSL2, VDSL and HF radio services.

Telstra state: "ubiquitous BPL could have serious consequences for cable modem networks" and "It is clear that if BPL is permitted at the ETSI levels, there will be significant degradation of VDSL in cases where power and telecommunications lines are in close proximity".

In a strongly worded statement - medical alarm providers through their industry association the Personal Emergency Response Services Association (PERSA) conclude: "Electromagnetic interference from BPL is potentially severe, and is continuous and widespread. BPL interference could prevent a call for assistance in a life threatening situation, resulting in death or injury."

The ABC express the fear that BPL interference is: "highly likely in some circumstances to annihilate broadcasting services."

The BPL industry's submissions are more favourable towards BPL and recommend less onerous management techniques.

Bytecan is a member of the Wommera Consortium operator of the Morouya BPL trial in NSW.

Bytecan is the first from any entity involved in the promotion of BPL to acknowledge the impact of BPL interference on radio communications services. They essentially say that BPL works only at levels high enough to cause interference to radiocommunications services - and if the BPL signal is "notched" enough to avoid that interference then there is insufficient bandwidth remaining for the BPL system to operate.

A link to the full list of submissions - including those from CB Radio, Model Aircraft enthusiasts, Outback Radio users, and Equipment Suppliers is on the WIA website at or visit

ACMA launches Official BPL submissions page

The ACMA have launched an official BPL discussion paper submissions page as of 1 August 2005. Over 200 submissions were received from Individuals, Businesses, Non Government Organisations and Government departments in response to a "BPL Discussion Paper" released in April 2005. You can visit this page at

The ABC comments on BPL interference

From WIA News 24 July 2005, Jim Linton VK3PC reports.

The ABC has told the Australian Communications Media Authority that it believes that "BPL is highly likely to cause interference to and result in the loss of broadcasting signals in rural areas, and, under worse case conditions, in suburban areas."

The ABC submission to the ACA discussion paper on the Management of Interference from Broadband over Power Line Applications, said "Broadcasting is a protected service," and BPL operators should be obliged to alert the public that interference may occur."

The bottom line according to the ABC is that the needs of radiocommunications services should take precedence over BPL with its unplanned by-product emissions.

This submission from the ABC is now available from the ACMA web page.

Australia's first VoIP phone call using powerline broadband

Press Release: 16 June 2005 (Thanks to Gordon Smith VK2DJG for this info)

Sydney, Australia – Broadband over Powerline (BPL) technology has passed a major milestone with Australia’s first successful delivery of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) across a BPL network.

The VoIP calls have successfully linked to land line and mobile phones as part of a trial being carried out in Queanbeyan by leading Australian energy services business Country Energy and Australian broadband phone company Engin.

The BPL trials are expected to continue for another 18 months.

Country Energy’s Manager Telecommunications Enterprises, Geoff Fietz, said the successful trial clearly demonstrates the maturing of BPL and the potential of the technology.

“BPL technology has the potential to provide affordable broadband access to rural and regional Australia without reliance on existing service delivery options,” he said.

“It also offers Country Energy another way of improving customer service as it gives us faster and more cost-effective ways to manage, monitor and control the network, and read household meters.”

The trial VoIP calls using BPL were made through engin’s Voice Box technology which was connected to an analogue telephone and a Mitsubishi BPL modem. The modem was plugged into a standard powerpoint.

“This demonstrates the enormous potential of the technology – every powerpoint becomes a broadband delivery point,” stated Mr Fietz.

Engin Chief Executive Officer Ilkka Tales said VoIP over BPL has massive potential as a last mile solution.

“Engin Voice Box has proved its ability to deliver high quality calls to land lines and mobile phones over BPL and has adapted perfectly to this new environment.

“Combining BPL technology with engin can create an affordable last mile solution to consumers and businesses,” added Tales.

The Engin Voice Box allows people to make and receive calls from any land line or mobile phone over their broadband Internet connection using VoIP technology. It can deliver savings of up to 40* per cent on phone bills.

[*] Savings as demonstrated by consumer trials.

Further Information:

Country Energy

Angela Fiumara

Group Manager Corporate Affairs
(02) 6338 3566 / 0418 668 085

Guy Downes or Claire Hulbert
Howorth Communications

(02) 8281 3810

Editorial Comment: This was what the USA based BPL providers were saying 12 months ago, now look at them, half of them have closed down and the rest are an economic failure.

BPL/PLT/PLC Field Strength Measurement Software!


From WIA News 15 May 2005

Owen Duffy (VK1OD), has developed BPL/PLT/PLC Field Strength Measurement Software.

FSM (for Field Strength Meter) is a software application that extends a conventional SSB receiver to allow measurement and calculation of field strength of radio signals or interference.

FSM has its origins in a method devised by Ed Hare (W1RFI) of the ARRL for making reasonable measurements of radiated field strength using conventional receivers and commonly available test equipment, and described in an article published on the ARRL web site in August 2004. Ed Hare is to be congratulated for his innovation and continuing hard work in the struggle against BPL interference. Ed also devised software known as ARIAMAN to automate some of the measurement and calculation. I contributed a suite of improvements to ARIAMAN, but regrettably, the ARRL restricts its use to personal use only.

In the belief that it is in Amateur Radio's best interest that tools that we use are open and verifiable, I have developed FSM to implement the method in Ed Hare's paper. Though FSM uses improvements that I wrote and contributed to
ARIAMAN, FSM does not use any of the ARRL's code, which allows me to release FSM as free, open source software.

FSM relies on the fact that the audio output from an SSB receiver is linearly related to the RF input power, from about the receiver noise floor to the onset of AGC gain compression, typically about 20 odd dB above the receiver noise floor.

By keeping the measured signal within that range, with a known external attenuator, and allowing for the attenuator, we can measure the received power with respect to the receiver noise floor, which can itself be easily determined to calibrate the system. Additionally, given the antenna system gain, FSM will calculate the field strength in dBuV/m.

So, FSM is a Windows application that automates a substantial part of the measurement process. It measures the receiver audio output power, performs the associated calculations in a reliable and consistent way, and documents the measurement results. The measurement results can be saved locally in a file, appended to a file of results, sent by email, and filed on a central statistics server.

You can read more about FSM on my website, go to, you will find a prominent link on the home page. FSM will run on Win98SE or later, and can be downloaded from the website.



From WIA News 27 February 2005
Owen Duffy joins us with a quick update on BPL activity.

As you know, the Radiocommunications Act makes it an offence to recklessly engage in conduct that causes substantial interference to radiocommunications services. Some people have peddled notions that amateurs are not protected from interference, but aside from the specific provisions in the current LCD regarding LIPD interference, the Radiocommunications Act does protect amateurs from "substantial" interference.

It may become incumbent on us to build a convincing case of what constitutes "substantial" interference.

To that end, some of us are considering the feasibility of a survey of ambient noise levels, particularly on the lower HF bands. Such a survey will provide us with current knowledge of background noise levels in the Australian context, a baseline for arguing cases of "substantial" interference, and a "before" observation in a "before and after" scenario where interference sources such as BPL, inverter air conditioners etc., are installed.

This is a significant challenge, as we don't have, and can't afford laboratory EMI receivers and antennas for a full CISPR compliant measurement. However, amateurs are known for innovation, improvisation, and achieving results with limited equipment.

Ed Hare (W1RFI) and myself have been collaborating on development of a software tool to assist in the task of making measurements, calculating the results, and consolidation of the results from measuring stations on a central database.

 Phil Wait (VK2DKN) and I have been working on tools for calibration of receiver bandwidth and noise floor, and calibration of the software of which I have spoken. I hope to bring you news of this project in the next week or two.

Meanwhile, we expect that the ACMA is on the ground in Queanbeyan, NSW where Country Energy is conducting a trial of Mitsubishi 45Mb DS2 based equipment. We look forward to publication by the ACMA of those measurements on their BPL Portal, hopefully in the coming weeks.

In VK7 Aurora Energy are planning another "Major Commercial Trial", this around mid year using the 200 Mbit chip technology from DS2 in Spain. Justin VK7TW says in Aurora's Annual report for 2004 claims are made that the trial conducted in April was described as "highly successful".

"Highly Successful"?

Well it did only target their office and 4 homes.

This new trial we understand will involve about 1000 homes.

A sound recording of the BPL interference that Eric, VK7TAS recorded during the first Aurora BPL trial to give people an idea of the type of interference that may be experienced exists, this at

ACREM (Australian Citizens Radio Emergency Monitors) uncovers BPL interference loophole!

From Martin Howells, VK2UMJ ACREM-NSW

February 2005

Will your radiocommunications service be protected from interference by BPL? Maybe not!!!

Just when we thought the ACMA would offer protection to all radiocommunications services if they suffer interference from BPL, we learn the truth! What many people don't realise is that many radiocommunications services operate on a "no interference, no protection" basis, which means that if BPL causes interference it's "tough luck".

During recent contact with the ACMA over the BPL concerns and the new requirement for BPL providers to advise licensee's of trials, ACREM-NSW raised some concerns for those that hold licences for services such as "Land Mobile - Ambulatory System" that covers area much larger than just the licensee's postcode/address (which would show up on an ACMA database search). However, the response received from ACMA on this was:

"In relation to the land mobile ambulatory system licence, a condition of the licence is that there is no protection from interference and interference must not be caused (the "no interference, no protection" clause)."

So, how many other services will be exempt from interference protection under this clause? Although I can understand the "no interference, no protection" applying with regard to interference from other radiocommunications users, I would have thought that interference from BPL would be treated differently and all licensed radio services would receive protection - but apparently not!

How many other services that think they will be protected fall under this? I believe CB may also be "no protection, no interference", as is Amateur Radio on those bands where amateur is not the Primary service, so will this be the response from ACMA when complaints come about interference to secondary bands?

Also, if interference is actually caused to the BPL system (as has been a concern) then it could be YOU that is closed down by the ACMA and not the BPL system!!

The full details of the correspondence to and from the ACMA on this matter will be placed on the ACREM website BPL pages soon, so you can read the entire message in context. It will be placed at:

If you have thoughts or comments, feel free to contact ACREM, contact details can be found on the above website.

Australian Government launches official BPL Web Site!

January 2005

Australian Government Official BPL Page

BPL Juggernaut and Money Grab Rolls along!!!!

From WIA News 21 November 2004


There are strong indications that the introduction of broadband over powerlines, BPL, is getting closer in Australia. The technology could be available to consumers in Tasmania within a few months, and two companies are trialling it in New South Wales. With the very latest, here is Jim Linton VK3PC.

Tasmania's electricity distribution and retail company, Aurora Energy has announced it will have a major commercial trial of BPL by mid-2005.

It has hailed as a success Australia's first pilot trial of the technology conducted in May this year that involved four houses and part of the company's office building in Hobart.

In its annual report, Aurora Energy claims very competitive Internet data rates for the technology accessed via power points when compared to that available through the telecommunications network.

Meanwhile an industry newsletter reports that another company, Energy Australia, ran a BPL trial in Newcastle, making it Australia's second serious trial of the technology.

A third power company, Country Energy is expected to run a trial in Queanbeyan, near Canberra, before the end of this month.

The power industry believes that BPL is ready and now only awaits a decision by the Australian Communications Authority.

The ACMA's current review of its "Regulatory Philosophy and Compliance Policy" and recent work through the Radio Consultative Committee, are all moving towards an announcement on Australia's regulatory approach to BPL.

In breaking news, WIA's Phil Wait VK2DKN and Barry White VK2AAB were invited to a demonstration of that BPL technology in Queanbeyan.

A three person team from the UK Open University (Power Line Communications Group) lead by Professor John Newbury discussed the development of international standards and stressed the variability of the power network, the importance of measuring the interference risks, and the need for developing technologies which allow a range of solutions to different field situations. In particular they stressed the variations in the power distribution network, the interference issue, and the signal attenuation variation between old and new houses. They also mentioned possibility of ionospheric propagation.

The equipment used in the test saw levels of interference is so severe (S9 + 50db outside the premises) that filtering or notching out by only 20 - 30dB will have little effect on reducing its interference potential.

In Phil Wait's opinion it will be hard to see how cooperation and goodwill between US amateurs and the BPL industry (as recommended by the FCC) will be possible as the interference levels are just so high and so widespread. Amateur operation in urban areas with BPL access will be impossible.

BPL Interference Evaluation Tool (Calculator) by VK1OD

This text from WIANEWS 10 October 2004 Edition

Owen Duffy, VK1OD has developed a very useful tool to assist in evaluating the effects of BPL on a radio receiving installation. The tool allows you to determine (using your own antenna and receiver installation parameters) the effect that BPL might have on your installation.

Broadband over Power Lines is technology for carriage of high speed data, principally for Internet Access, over the existing power line network.

Current BPL technology works by conduction of signals in the radio frequency spectrum up to about 100 MHz. Existing power lines networks are not ideal RF transmission networks, they will radiate radio frequency energy causing interference to radiocommunications services, and they will be susceptible to interference from nearby transmitters (radio or otherwise).

The European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation, CENELEC, are developing a standard for "Electromagnetic emissions from access powerline communications networks". Access powerline communications networks are commonly termed Broadband over Power Lines or BPL.

The proposed CENELEC standard does not automatically apply globally, though countries like Australia draw heavily on international standards, such as CENELEC's for their own jurisdiction.

This proposed standard would set limits for the conducted energy and radiated energy of BPL systems. The radiation limit is specified for example as a field strength in dBuA/m in a measurement bandwidth at a specified distance on particular frequency, and its impact will not be immediately apparent to most radio users.

Do you know what the impact of +4dBuA/m in 9KHz at 3m is on your receiver?

The BPL Interference Evaluation Tool allows evaluation of the impact of BPL interference under the proposed CENELEC standard given a set of location / application specific parameters.

Go to the BPL Interference Evaluation Tool at and enter the details for your site and discover the impact.

If you understand the potential impact, you will understand that BPL is the most serious risk that faces Amateur Radio and HF Radio Communications today. We, as a community seem absorbed with local level issues and small minded parochial thinking when a concerted national and international level approach is needed, and needed now.

Australian National 4WD (VKS-737) Radio Network Inc

The Australian National 4WD (VKS-737) Radio Network Inc has created this excellent Press Release to aid in the fight against BPL.

It's been sent to all of its 6000 members. Download Here (81 Kb pdf)

This file has been zipped up to conserve disk space. You will require software to un-zip (Press Release used with permission from Steve Johnston).


Australian Citizens Radio Emergency Monitors (ACREM)

ACREM have created these excellent letters to aid in the fight against BPL.

They have been sent to high ranking government and political leaders in Australia. Download Letter One Here (32 Kb pdf) or Download Letter Two Here (28 Kb pdf). Replies to these letters can be viewed here. Documents has been zipped up to conserve disk space. You will require software to un-zip (Letters used with permission from Martin Howells).


Taxpayer Money wasted on Pro-BPL Report (1478 Kb pdf)

This so called independent report claims there is NO interference from BPL!!! Yeah Right and Pigs can fly too!!!!!,,0_1-2_3-4_119354,00.html

Australian "CommsWorld" questions Pro-BPL government report!

More Bad News for Australian HF Users!


Large in-building BPL network gets ACMA Approval!!!!!

It was reported in "Communications Day" that SkyNetGlobal claim to have gained approval from the Australian Communications & Media Authority (ACMA) for their in-building powerline communications networks. The company currently has exclusive powerline access agreements with 51 buildings covering more than 10,000 residences. With the ACMA permission, their plan is to achieve national coverage of 500 buildings over the next 24 months covering approximately 100,000 apartments.

With subscriber uptake of about 20% per building SkyNetGlobal expects to sign up 200,000 subscribers by 2006. Additionally they plan to offer VoIP and Video on demand services over the powerline. Following the announcement SkyNetGlobal shares jumped 12.8%, ("Communications Day" Friday, 2nd July).

Quote of the Century from an e-mail sent on 21 May 2004 by the ACMA to a concerned citizen. "At this stage, there are no firm plans to commercially deploy BPL technology in Australia."

Hey ACMA, you move fast when a dollar is involved don't you. Where was the consultation with the Amateur and HF community? Where are the test results to show there is NO interference with shortwave reception? Have you read the ITU radio regulations recently!!!!!

The following links will take you to web sites featuring excerpts from current International Telecommunications Union (ITU) radio regulations. Please visit NASWA, and DXING.COM, as well as references in documents for BPL interference submissions to the FCC in the United States of America.

So you think BPL will not be used in Australia!! Well, read this!!!!

The FTA (Free Trade Agreement) between the USA and Australia is likely to be or already law by the time you read this. Here is a section from the telecommunications chapter of the agreement. If you read it carefully, you could drive a road train (ie truck) through it. Here comes BPL!!!!!

Article 12.15 : Flexibility In The Choice Of Technology
Neither Party may prevent suppliers of public telecommunications services or suppliers of value-added services from choosing the technologies they wish to use to supply their services, including packet-based services and commercial mobile wireless services, subject to requirements necessary to satisfy legitimate public policy interests.

Australian BPL/PLC links

ABC Radio National discusses Broadband Power (BPL) in Tasmania

ABC-TV Tasmania "Stateline" programme transcript on BPL interference

ACMA issues trial certificate for SP Ausnet in Mt Beauty, Victoria

ACMA Official BPL submissions page (Over 200 individual pdf's)

ACMA to go easy on regulation to appease BPL lobby!

Adelaide and Melbourne getting or had Secret BPL trials

Age Newspaper Inbox: Comment on BPL in Australia

Age News Story: "New role for old power lines"

Age News Story: Telephony trial over powerlines successful

ACBRO (Australian Citizens Band Radio Organisation) fights against BPL!

ACREM (Australian Citizens Radio Emergency Monitors) fights against BPL!

ACREM BPL submissions to Federal Government!

ACMA taking BPL review the next step!

Are you ready for BPL enablement of your home and neighbourhood!

Aurora defends dumping BPL/PLC Trial

Aurora Energy keen to start BPL!

Aurora Energy to drop BPL/PLC in Tasmania. (VK7)

Aurora moves ahead with next phase towards BPL commercialisation!

Aurora wants to light the way with BPL!

Australian BPL discussed on DSL

Australian Business queries economies of BPL Push!

Australian "CommsWorld" questions Pro-BPL government report!

Australian Communications & Media Authority (ACMA) Brochure on BPL (126 Kb pdf)

Australian Government Official BPL Page

Australian Government Official BPL Trial Guide-lines (41 Kb pdf)

Australian Pro-BPL Lobbyist and Spin Doctor is at it again!

Australian Taxpayer funded Pro-BPL report (1478 Kb pdf)

Australian's looking into BPL

BPL can help solve crime!!!!

BPL Conference report by VK2DKN

BPL Country trials generate new opposition! (Australian PC World Magazine)

BPL Dead and Buried?

BPL discussion paper from ACMA: April 2005 (164 Kb pdf)

BPL Down Under: A view from DSL Reports

BPL Info Page (Good Site)

BPL in Australia!

BPL Interference Evaluation Tool (Calculator) by VK1OD

BPL may affect CB Operators!

BPL now used in Brisbane Casino! (Computerworld)

BPL Podcast by Sophie Gleitzman

BPL spin doctor at work again (Australian PC World Magazine)

BPL trial slows down due to skills shortage

BPL Trial Switched on in Mount Beauty, Victoria!

BPL threatens marine distress and safety services in Australia!

BPL virtual tour released on DVD and YouTube!

Broadband (South Australia)

Broadband Grid Rules Closer

Broadband over Powerlines info goes on-line

Broadband over Power Lines trial in Hobart nears commercialisation despite interference claims!

Broadband Trial to moves to Burnie, Tasmania

BPL trials pleases Utility

Budde Bags Radio Amateurs on ABC Regional Radio (WIA responds)

Claims that Australian broadband powerline regulations breach WTO treaties: CommsDay

Channel Seven item on BPL in Tasmania

Country Energy gears up for another commercial BPL trial

Electricity Utilities unite for broadband services

EFTel is leading the way in Tasmania: Broadband over Power Lines

Fast BPL proposed by Optus

Field Strength Measurement Software for BPL/PLC/PLT (from VK1OD)

Interesting info on Tasmanian BPL/PLC Trials  (Look for Greg Todd- 25 Meg Submission)

Jerrabomberra gets BPL trial and it creates interference!

Latest Tasmanian BPL measurements confirm Interference Potential!

Making sense of the power-line push

Melbourne Age article on BPL!

Moruya BPL trial results!!

Mount Beauty BPL Trial Interference (November 2006) Report (921 Kb pdf)

NE Asia Online: Aurora Launches Commercial Trial of BPL

Plug in and Play net trial-

Powerline Broadband:12 Mbps Trial Unveiled in Tasmania- Slashdot

Powerline Internet access coming to Canberra (Computerworld)

Powerlines to deliver the Internet (Courier-Mail, Brisbane)

Queanbeyan BPL trial latest info and sound sample! (It's Bad!!!!)

Queanbeyan, Country Energy BPL Trial, Nov 2004 to March 2005 Analysis

Regional NSW BPL pilot to smash city broadband speeds

Savant Corporation (BPL Spin doctor)

Silicon Chip Magazine editorial on BPL

Skynetglobal gets approval for BPL in Australia. ACMA caves in!

Sparks fly over power line Internet trials (Australian PC World)

Study: Powerline broadband set to grow in 2005 (Australian PC World)

Tasmanian BPL operator "Buries" interference!

Tasmania (VK7) REAST (BPL-PLC-PLT) Watch Page

Telstra's Fibre to kickstart BPL

Trial plugs fast net into power (The AustralianIT)

VK3 (Victorian) Hams launch BPL Watch Web Site

VKS-737 BPL Brochure: The Australian HF Community fights back! (70 Kb pdf)

VKS-737 submission to ACMA re BPL! (442 Kb pdf)

What Australian Political Parties have to say on BPL/PLC!

Wireless Institute of Australia BPL Interference Advisory Service

Wireless Institute of Australia "Powerpoint" presentation at the IIR conference: BPL in Australia

WIA issues major paper on BPL/PLC in Australia (281 Kb pdf)

WIA releases Official Response to BPL Discussion Paper

WIA receives reply from ACMA on BPL!!

WIA summing up of November 2005 BPL conference

Wireless Institute of Australia Official BPL/PLC Page!

Whirlpool Discussion: ACMA launches BPL/PLC website!

Whirlpool Discussion: BPL FAQ

Whirlpool Discussion: BPL providers seek legal changes!!!

Whirlpool Discussion: Large-scale BPL trial begins in Tasmania!!!

ZDNet: Tasmanian BPL Powers Up

Be kept informed about BPL. Join

If you are concerned about developments and the debate on Broadband Over Power Lines (BPL) / Power Line Communications (PLC) in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific, join the Spectrum Issues Group Australia (SIGA).

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