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Amateur (Ham) Radio Emergency Preparedness

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(April 2013) Earthquake in South West China: Radio (Hams) Amateurs to the rescue!!

(Info via WIANEWS 28 April 2013  Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman of the IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications
 Committee with Fin Ban BA1RB, and Rudy Wong VR2USP)

    Saturday April 20 a major earthquake hit China's southwest rural area of Ya'an, which has now left 200 dead, injured about 12,000 and many more people homeless.

 Fan Bin BA 1 RB reported that amateur radio operators swung into action to provide emergency communications and coordinate parts of the disaster response.
 With toppled houses everywhere, rescuers frantically began their search of the rubble for survivors, while medical staff treated those hurt on the ground and in make-shift hospitals.

 Panic was evident with survivors sheltering in cars and tents. Badly hit Lushan County is now like a large refugee camp with volunteers providing meals.

 Fan Bin BA 1 RB has recently reported that public communication was back to normal in the disaster area and the local repeater systems continued to work.

 He said the Chinese Radio Sports Association, also known as the Chinese Radio Amateur Club, no longer required emergency communication frequencies. It expressed thanks for the support from IARU member societies and others.

 A role for some radio hams was maintaining traffic control, with emergency supplies arriving including tents, water, food and medicine.

 Rain hampered search and rescue efforts in the quake zone, and added to fallen trees and landslides making progress slower in some areas. After-shocks also occurred.

 The Sichuan provincial government reported that 3,000 kilometres of road and 327 bridges had been damaged. The total repair bill from the earthquake was put at $3 billion.

 The central government of China, local officials, rescuers, relief workers and radio amateurs are much better prepared to deal with disasters, than  has been the case in the past.

 Neighbouring Russia sent rescue teams, and the Red Cross from Hong Kong with an embedded radio amateur, are helping the on-going effort.

(December 2012) Hams ready for double disaster in the Philippines!!

(Info via WIANEWS 16 December 2012 and Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee

  Typhoon Bopha that killed at least 700 people in southern Philippines, leaving a trail of mayhem behind, re-emerged out of the South China Sea last week to hit the northern part of the archipelago.

 The Philippines's strongest typhoon first reached landfall on the island of Mindanao with 210km'/h winds on December the 4th, and returned to Luzon in the north last weekend.

 Active during both disasters were the ham radio networks, organised through the national IARU society, the Philippines Amateur Radio Association (PARA).

 Those nets handled emergency and welfare traffic, gave weather reports, detailed utility and infrastructure outages.

 The typhoon just missed nearby Guam and was headed for the southern island of Mindanao.

 At the time PARA had its 80th birthday celebrations in Manila. Soon after it asked that the emergency nets activate on VHF, for long haul traffic 7095 kHz and echo-link.

 What unfolded was an outstanding effort that included evacuations of riverside and low-lying communities and coordination of rescues including those at sea.

 The networks played an important coordination role in the south with the Disaster Response Team of the Philippine Red Cross, Delta Fire Volunteers, and the Coastguard.

 Among the action was DX5RAN, the District 5 Radio Amateur Network. That net worked with the City Government of Tacloban and the City Disaster Risk  Reduction Management Council.

 There were many radio amateurs involved. As the toll rose and losses, including export banana plantations on Mindanao mounted, the typhoon returned to northern Luzon. Although downgraded it dumped heavy rain causing flooding and landslides.

 Early evacuations in both the south and the north were attributed by the authorities as saving many lives. Many are still missing in southern areas and fishermen at sea.
 More than 5.4 million people were affected including 116,400 in evacuation centres.

 The Vice Chief Operating Officer of PARA, Ramon J. Anquilan DU1UGZ, said both nets were now closed.

 He thanked everyone for coordinating the activities and the worldwide assistance
 in keeping the HF emergency frequency clear. 
(August 2012) Disaster hits Manila and the Philippines!! Radio (Amateurs) hams help!

(Info via WIANEWS 19 August 2012 and Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee
 and Eddie Valdez DU1EV, Chief Operating Officer of PARA)

The Philippine Amateur Radio Association activated the Ham Emergency Radio Operations (HERO) with it passing essential traffic during the recent widespread flooding which saw 80 per cent of Manila under water.

 Claiming 66 lives earlier this month, it was triggered by monsoon rains on the main island of Luzon. The downpour peaked with a 48-hour deluge that battered Manila and surrounding regions.

 Eddie Valdez DU1EV, Chief Operating Officer of PARA said that HERO was on air from Monday night the 6th through to Tuesday August the 7th.

 It included one of the ham emergency radio operators who found himself affected by the flood waters and fleeing his home after two days of

 Eddie DU1EV said the rain stopped the floods receded, with garbage littering the roads, parks and drains in Manila and surrounding provinces.

 A big clean-up is under way. In the worst affected areas like Marikina City, the Metro Manila Development Authority would need a month to clean and clear the drainage canals. 
(November 2011) Thailand Amateur (Ham) Radio Operators respond to floods
via WIANEWS 13 November 2011 and Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman IARU R3 Disaster Communications Committee / RAST
Saving almost 1,000 lives

The Radio Amateur Society of Thailand (RAST) Secretary Paul Wacharaphol HS4DDQ reports his team helped to save almost 1,000 lives by coordinating rescue communications in cases of medical emergencies during the severe flooding.

He coordinates the emergency medical communications at Public Health Ministry on Ngarmwongwarn Road and using the call sign HS0AC. Speaking at a small RAST gathering at Sena Place Hotel on Sunday November 6, Paul HS4DDQ told how emergency unfolded.

Since the flooding began in July at least 529 people have been killed in the affected 63 of Thailand's 77 provinces. The cost to the local economy including hundreds of global manufacturers who rely on its low-cost factories keeps rising.

The amateur radio station established by the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NTC) using the call HS0AB were also discussed, along with the donations that RAST has received that now total over 50,000 baht, including a large amount received from donors in Malaysia.

The NBTC has praised the role that radio amateurs have been playing to help people cope with the disaster by providing communications support and this have been especially helpful in flooded areas where several mobile phone cell sites have failed.

Government agencies have been able to take advantage of the amateur radio communications infrastructure when their own networks failed.

Using their skills and experience radio amateurs kept communicating with one another under adverse conditions. There volunteer spirit that has carried radio amateurs to the "front-line" has also helped many victims of Thailand's worst flooding in over 60 years.

The RAST club station HS0AB was controlled by Pranee Netrattana E21DKD, was praised for her efforts.

The station was inundated by flood water to a depth of over one metre, but that the campus was presently still inaccessible and the extent of damage to equipment is yet to be evaluated.

A good example of this was demonstrated by Champ Muangamphun E21EIC and his wife Goi E20NKB, who left after the meeting with flood relief supplies in their four-wheel drive vehicle well equipped with a boat strapped to the roof.
October 2011) Turkey Amateur (Ham) Radio Operators respond to Earthquake.
via WIANEWS 30 October 2011.
A magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck the Van region of Eastern Turkey causing great loss of life and hundreds of casualties.
Radio Amateurs from the Turkish national amateur radio society TRAC are responding to assist with communications in the area.

There are some frequencies in use on HF, currently used to link with Government resources and this is meaning that some
frequencies outside the amateur bandplan and normal usage are being used until more equipment gets to the region. When this
happens, more traffic should move to the normal Emergency Communications Centre of Activity frequencies.

Please avoid causing QRM to emergency traffic on 7.092 MHz USB. USB is being used to allow communications with a
government station.
(October 2011) Thailand Amateur (Ham) Radio Operators respond to floods
via WIANEWS 23 October 2011 from Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman, IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee, via Ken Yamamoto JA1CJP, Secretary, IARU Region 3.

The death toll from the most devastating flooding to hit Thailand in over 60 years following heavy rains since late July has now risen to almost 300.

Nearly three million people are said to have been affected by the floods and the disaster has caused serious damage to the country`s agriculture. Industries are in suspension such as motor vehicle firms Toyota, Sony and Honda along with Western Digital and many other factories to the north of Bangkok.

Damage so far has been assessed at more than 20 billion baht and 26 out of
the country's 77 provinces are affected. Bangkok is bracing for a large amount of run-off water that will coincide seasonal high tides making it harder for the flood waters to flow out to sea.

Amateur radio has been assisting with flood relief communications, helping victims in the affected areas.

In use by hams is the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand (RAST) club station callsign HS0AC and a special flood relief centre with the callsign HS0AB has been established at Bangkok's Don Mueang Airport.

Please be advised that Thai radio amateurs are standing by on 144.900 MHz, 145.000 MHz and 144.9375 MHz (VHF) as well as on frequencies of 7.063 and 7.060 MHz in the 40-metre HF band.

RAST is actively assisting in flood relief operations and the society is accepting donations by bank transfer to its Savings Account at the Krung Thai Bank (KTB), Pradipat Branch, Account Number 034-1-86101-4.

There is a video showing activities at the special flood relief amateur radio station at Don Mueang Airport (in Thai):

RAST is also posting information about developments to its web site at

RAST would like to thank the IARU in advance for notifying member societies of this disaster and of the emergency frequencies being used to help flood victims in Thailand at this time.

Owing to the volume of water and continuing rainfall, this emergency is likely to continue for many more days and we will notify the IARU Region 3 once things return to normal.

Sincere 73,
Tony Waltham, HS0ZDX
The Radio Amateur Society of Thailand (RAST) under the Patronage of His Majesty the King.
(June 2011) Ham Radio Responds to Tornadoes in the United States of America
via WIA National News Service June 2011 from
original source Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, reporting for the Amateur Radio network

Ham radio operators are a part of severe weather spotting as well as being involved in relief efforts as tornadoes continue to ravage the South. We have the latest in this report:

Actually, four days after the severe weather struck, very little is known about the role being played by radio amateurs in the South, especially in and around Joplin, Missouri. That’s because they are far too busy saving lives and reporting damage to stop to make reports to the press.

We do know come from published news reports that quote Ron Kittleman, K0ADI. He says that hams have been stationed at the Springfield Missouri office of the National Weather Service. Also, that amateurs from ARES have been providing communication between hospitals and assessment teams following the tornado that hit Joplin at approximately 6pm local time on Sunday, 22nd of May.

According to Kittleman, the storm knocked out mobilel phone and landline communications across the area. Radio operators from ARES started relaying medical information between the Freeman Hospital and the St John’s and Cox Health medical facilities in Springfield shortly after the storm hit. Another report says that a Kansas and Western Missouri SATERN Teams from the Salvation Army has been activated for the Joplin tornado response.

As we go to air, SATERN team members are reportedly assisting with communications in the affected area. Also, a Salvation Army emergency disaster services team based out Pittsburg, Kansas has been deployed to Joplin. Its job is to help carry out mass feeding for residents and first responders through a mobile feeding kitchen capable of serving thousands of meals a day.
(October 2010) Flooding in Thailand
Bangkok Post : Amateur radio operators answer call for assistance
(August 2010) Flooding in Pakistan
Pakistan Amateur Radio Society helps with Floods
(March 2010) Chile Earthquake
Chile Earthquake (March 2010): Ham (Amateur) Radio operators establish Communications
(February 2010) Haiti Earthquake
Haiti (January 2010) Earthquake: HF (Shortwave) to the rescue again!

(April 2009) Italian Earthquake

Emergency Frequencies for Italian Earthquake

(October 2009) Philippines Floods

Amateur (Ham) Radio supports disasters

(October 2009) Indonesian Earthquake

Amateur (Ham) Radio supports disasters

(September 2009) Australian Outback

135 Km East of Birdsville is a long way from anywhere that a mobile phone will work, so it was lucky that the driver of the rolled vehicle had plenty of people on the road that day, even luckier that some of them were Amateur Radio operators on a DXpedition with the Blue Mountains Amateur Radio Club.

While Richard VK2LET assisted with first aid to the driver, Kevin VK2FTTP called Kev VK4KKD in Brisbane. Kev called 000 and advised the Queensland Ambulance Service of the situation and after some initial questions and realising that Birdsville was not a suburb of Brisbane the Ambos called the Royal Flying Doctor.

The Royal Flying Doctor Service called a nurse from a nearby station property and on her arrival treated the driver for shock and some abrasions to his head. Four Police officers returning to Brisbane after helping out with the Birdsville races stopped to assist, they couldn't get the satellite phone to work so they started some minor investigations into the accident.

The Ambulance and Police arrived and took the driver by road back to Birdsville.

This incident goes to show that Amateur Radio is truly a fail safe form of communications.

The full story and other interesting articles from the Blue Mountains Amateur Radio Club can be found in the upcoming issues of AR magazine.

From VK1WIA this has been VK2LET for the WIA National News Service.

How Amateur Radio is helping Communications in Victoria, Australia due to firestorms!

Australian Amateur Radio (Ham) Emergency Network (WICEN) activated because of Firestorms!

Call for more Amateur (Ham) Radio Operators re Australian Bushfires!

Victorian Bushfire Update (27/Feb/2009)


How Amateur Radio saves lives in Chinese Earthquake!

Amateur Radio operators (Hams) help out Red Cross following Chinese earthquake


How Amateur Radio saves lives in Indonesian Earthquake hit areas!!

Radio hams help out following Indonesian earthquake


How Amateur Radio saves lives in Tsunami (2005) hit areas!!

Ham Radio Served as Main Link to Disaster Area!!!

Sonia Gandhi helps bridge communication gap!!!

Tsunami Catastrophe shows HF Radio beats Sat-phones, Mobile Phones and Broadband!!!

How Amateur Radio saves lives in Hurricane Katrina (2005) hit areas!!

Ham Radio gets new respect!!

Ham Radio Operators aiding Hurricane Katrina effort!!

Ham radio operator heads South to aid post-Katrina communications - Computerworld

Ham Radio operators provide Lifeline during Disaster!!

Ham Radio operators to the rescue after Katrina - Wireless World

Ham radio volunteers help re-establish communications after Katrina - Computerworld

Telecommunications reels from Storm damage! Ham Radios Hum! - Wall Street Journal

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