The latest and current models of HF (Shortwave) VHF, UHF and SHF Active, Loop and Passive Receiving Antennas!

Why this page? Not every one can put up huge antennas where they live, they may have a disability, live in an apartment or local regulations forbid outside antennas etc, etc.

I've decided to list these antennas, some require no assembly, others do. Some require (such as active antennas) some sort of power supply. Some work well indoors, others are better performers outside.

If you are unable to put up your antenna, your local television antenna installer could probably help you with this (for a fee of course). Some Amateur Radio clubs may also offer this service as well.

Active Antennas

Apex Radio 700DTA (500 Khz to 30 Mhz)

Array Solutions.Shared Loop Array (Tx & Rx Antenna, Various LF to 30 Mhz)
Bonito Boni-Whip 20 kHz – 300 MHz
Bonito MegaDipol MD300DX 9 kHz – 300 MHz wideband active dipole
Bonito MegaActive MA-305FT 9 Khz-300 Mhz
Bonito MegaLoop FX 9 kHz – 180 MHz
Clifton Laboratories Z1501 Active Antenna
Cross Country Wireless VLF/LF/HF Active Vertical Antenna 5 kHz to 30 MHz

Degen TG35 (150 Khz to 30 Mhz)

Degia T007 Outdoor Active Rotator MW SW FM Antenna (Link 1)

Degia T007 Outdoor Active Rotator MW SW FM Antenna (Link 2)

Dressler Active Antennas (ARA-60, ARA-100 & ARA-2000 LF to UHF)

MFJ Enterprises Indoor MFJ-1022 (300 Khz to 200 Mhz)

MFJ Enterprises MFJ-1024 (50 Khz to 30 Mhz)

Procom BCL-1KA (10 Khz to 108 Mhz)

WiNRADiO AX-17C Indoor Active HF Antenna 0.1 Mhz to 30 Mhz

WiNRADiO AX-81SM Active LF-HF Antenna 10 Khz-50 Mhz

Loop Antennas (including active types)
Alexloop Transmitting Loop Antennas

AOR LA-400 Indoor Active Loop Antenna (10 Khz to 500 Mhz)

Chameleon Antennas CHA RXL (LF/MF/HF Receiving Loop) (USA)

CIAO Radio Loop Antenna L-101 0.1- 30 Mhz

Degen TG39 MW "Classic" Loop Antenna

DX Engineering RF-PRO-1BŪ Active Magnetic Loop Antenna

Grundig AN200 MW Loop Antenna (Same as Tecsun)

Palstar LA30 110-7500 Khz Receiving Ferrite Loop Antenna

PK's Loop Antennas

PK's Shielded Magnetic Longwave Loop Antennas (150 Khz to 500 Khz)

PK's Shielded Magnetic Medium Wave Loop Antennas for Portables (500 Khz to1700 Khz)
PK's Shielded Magnetic Medium Wave Loop Antennas for Receivers (500 Khz to1700 Khz)

PK's Shielded Magnetic Shortwave Loop Antennas (2 Mhz to 20 Mhz)

Rafansys LRX-30 Active Loop Antenna (150 Khz-30 Mhz)
Reuter Electronik RLA4 Magnetic Loop Receiving Antenna

Tecsun AN-100, AN-200 MW Loop Antennas

W6LVP Loop Receive Antenna (135 Khz to 30 Mhz)
Passive Antennas (No Power Required)
Air Antennas
AOR DA-1500 Discone 70-1500 Mhz
Cross Country Wireless Tactical HF Broadband Dipole Antenna (Receive and Transmit)

Diamond D-303 (500 Khz to 200 Mhz)

Garex Angler Portable Receiving Antenna (100 Khz to 1000 Mhz)

Moonraker Skyscan Desktop 25 - 2000 Mhz Mini Discone
Moonraker X1-HF 1 - 50 Mhz Vertical Receiving Antenna
MP Antennas (Wide Band VHF/UHF Antennas)
Outdoor End Fed MW/SW Wire antenna (Made In Australia)

Par EF-SWL (1 Mhz to 55 Mhz)

WiNRADiO AX24B Discone (400 Mhz to 4000 Mhz)

WiNRADiO AX-48H Broadband 2 -18 Gigahertz Horn Antenna

WiNRADiO AX71C Discone (25 Mhz to 1500 Mhz)

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